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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 11 / 02 / 05 - Emmanuel is back in the studio after a very long absence, this year's Pumpcon, more reactions to the Smart car in Philadelphia, why Emmanuel is now out of phase, a record number of preemptions in the last month, why Emmanuel wasn't at the October show, what it was like being in the hospital, Arseny explains how Hurricane Wilma has played into the lost baggage odyssey that he and Redhackt have been in embroiled in since July, Emmanuel's continuing attempts to get a DSL line installed through Verizon, Robert Steele's response to Bernie's question about the outing of Valerie Plame at The Fifth HOPE in 2004 is again proven to be very much on target, a mysterious smell drifts through New York City, Jim describes what it was like to be searched on the subway, why it's everyone's duty to protest such searches, the continuing court battle, surprising reports of secret prisons being run by the CIA, a story of privacy invasion during a beer purchase, Redhackt's story of a weird age verification system that he was a victim of when he turned 18, Bernie describes how he challenged a system that requires a driver's license to purchase liquor, Redbird explains why such a system is unnecessary, how such information can be used in criminal investigations, Mike reports on new biometric features in German passports, a caller reports on the $20 exit fee in Antigua, another new application involving monitoring the health of individuals using wireless communications, Bernie's mass transit trial next week. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 09 / 05 - Emmanuel's unpleasant experience with the MTA, Redbird explains how the system is supposed to work, Jim's advice on what to do, Bernie tells of his transit woes and the trial he went through earlier in the day, Bernie's unique way of fighting the statute, other cities that have similar fare rules, Emmanuel plays a mystery sound, the "terror laws" in England are defeated, what such laws would have meant, why the danger is still very real, a letter from an angry listener, in defense of the topics discussed on the show, the results in yesterday's election, how Bernie ran into problems at the polls, electronic voting is supposedly coming to New York next year, the reaction to last week's revelation of secret CIA prisons, a cruise ship is reported to have used a sonic weapon to repel pirates, Emmanuel describes how he committed piracy on the high seas, ways that messages were conveyed cheaply while Emmanuel was traveling, what appears to be a dishonest charge by T-Mobile, more on the technology behind liquor sales, how Emmanuel got around an ID check in an office building, Mike gives an example of how the White House attempted to alter a quote in a transcript, Emmanuel used to do a show called "News of the World," Bernie gives info on how to get Internet radio while traveling, an answer to the mystery. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 16 / 05 - Bernie makes a correction on last week's cruise ship story, the possibility of transmitting smells, a bunch of shows from the past have been found and are now online, a program on shortwave radio is one of the newly discovered ones, the "woodpecker project," how the Soviets used to block radio signals, there is currently a network outage, passengers may now have their bags swabbed in the New York City subway, what the authorities are looking for, potential ways to cause chaos, Jim describes "Shot Spotter" which is set to be installed at Co-op City, Redhackt discusses an automobile surveillance system being installed in England, how red light cameras can increase accidents, the Patriot Act is on the verge of being renewed, what people can do in the limited amount of time left, Redbird describes a weird law in Illinois involving magstripes that completely misunderstands the technology, Mike gives an update on the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia, how opposition there was silenced, the controversy surrounding the control of the Internet domain system by the United States, Jim claims Emmanuel tried to take over a country's top level domain years ago, questioning whether separate Internets could exist in harmony, Emmanuel describes the unfairness of the current top level domain system, garage door openers near Ottawa are jammed by a mysterious source, feedback on Bernie's ticket woes, theories on Emmanuel's voice mail charges with T-Mobile, weirdness involving a Swedish phone, tales of crosstalk from the past, Emmanuel takes issue with people who complain about politics on the show, Mike explains his disdain for the word "podcasting," Bernie explains why actions against prison phone rip-offs are misguided, debating who is more responsible for the injustice. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 23 / 05 - A theme misfire, a skeleton cast tonight, the FBI issues a warning concerning unsolicited email that appears to be from them, how fake mail affects 2600, the danger of opening attachments, a town votes to change its name to "Secret Santa," problems reaching Bernie on the phone, a Sony rootkit scandal involving CDs that resulted in a lawsuit from Texas, how hackers always get blamed, a confusing contest involving the FBI and students, theorizing on what Infraguard is, a new AT&T logo is introduced, more on the boarding pass flagging system, a letter that was meant to be sent in the future, anonymous letter writers, debating who should control the Internet, a memo concerning bombing Al Jazeera is suppressed by the British government, an appeal for a copy of the memo, an example of a corporate anthem on the phone lines of Ben Q., a report from a listener in Mongolia on Bush's visit this week, Redbird reports on the Smartlink system being introduced on the PATH trains, a possible way of defeating the pricing scheme in the MTA's Metrocard passes, a listener has concerns of alarm systems using VoIP, Emmanuel's continuing DSL woes now involve the Attorney General of New York, fiber optic to the home. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 30 / 05 - The news runs late, a potential theme if "Off The Hook" ever becomes a TV show, police plan random "shows of force" in Miami, the NYCLU tries to get the NYPD to stop videotaping demonstrations, taking pictures of cops and feds, one of Bernie's old prison guards winds up as an inmate in the same prison he worked for, an update on the electronic garage door problems in Ottawa, the fall of the Canadian government, what CIFA is and the new powers it may be getting, the prospect of the military spying on U.S. citizens, a controversy concerning a Denver bus passenger who refused to show identification to federal authorities, laws that require people to carry identification, how Google can give away so much disk space, Redhackt's unease with a certain feature that ties Google searches with Gmail accounts, questioning whether Google keeps records on individual searches, Emmanuel's concern over the popularity of Gmail, the problems with spam labeling, the new "Off The Hook" broadcast quality archives have started to become available, important technology issues in the upcoming Canadian elections, reaction to complaints about politics on the show, questions concerning the 2600 meetings in Egypt, why the meetings are on the first Friday of the month, a challenge for people who think the United States should have control over domain name setup, a rip-off concerning a company offering top level domains that can be any word, memories of name.space, a question about information technology jobs in New York. Download It Now!
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