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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 03 / 10 - Kyle is heading to Holland for another hacker camp, the Bosnia shows will air over the next two weeks, still dealing with the aftermath of HOPE, what Kyle will be doing overseas, the transition from being an attendee to being a coordinator, encouraging people to get involved, the entire show will be in delay tonight so more calls can be taken, the Northern Lights will supposedly be visible tonight, some news about a couple of the final 16 Starbucks, a telephone museum in Iceland, a call from a HOPE attendee, some questions about North Korea, some feedback on last week's talk of service manuals, the latest Adrian Lamo news, how the CNN website has been destroyed with reader feedback, controversy involving a proposed mosque near Ground Zero in New York, Finn gets a call, a mass shooting in Connecticut that failed to make the news, what has changed in schools and office buildings since 9/11, Kyle gives an update on the quest for a Smart car service manual. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 10 / 10 - A live connection to the radio station at the ETH0 camp in Holland, tonight's show is the second part of the Bosnia special, waiting at the train station in Sarajevo, trying to track down a friend, Bosnian radio, talking with Sanjin before the train leaves, Bosnian radio, Kyle and Emmanuel are having an amazing omelette in the dining car of the train, what to look forward to concerning engine changes and passport control, Kyle describes what interacting with the people of the area has been like, what the plan is after this train ride, Emmanuel reveals the proposed method of entering Albania, what passing through Mostar was like, the first moments of entering Sarajevo, passport control, a shakedown as the bill comes due, Bosnian radio, recounting what just happened, Bosnian radio, the conclusion will air next week. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 17 / 10 - Tonight will be the conclusion of the Bosnia special, Emmanuel is watching Kyle and friends on a monitor from The Hague, the travel adventure awaiting Kyle that he doesn't yet know about, recapping what happened last week, a rundown of the various passport checks that have occurred, Kyle gets admonished for having a cigar in Croatia, recollecting the first moments in Sarajevo, the search for the hostel and a currency challenge, how things changed over the next day, the history in the city, figuring out the tram system, Kyle's "dead reckoning" in a remote part of the city, Bosnian radio, Kyle describes a border check and is interrupted by a ticket check, a huge rabbit is spotted from the train window, Emmanuel describes the train setup, Kyle's experience at a cafe involving cultural differences, the challenges involved in getting ready for "Off The Hook," a second horn on the train, spotting weird cargo and waving at kids from the train window, Kyle describes how the trip has affected him, Emmanuel talks about ways to get the most out of such experiences, Bosnian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 24 / 10 - Problems with the microphone, trying to replicate the problem, Kyle is back from Holland, how the radio station at the Dutch camp worked, Kyle's film gets x-rayed in Paris against his wishes, what Kyle had to go through in order to get from one city to another, a mix of metaphors, Kyle describes the band that was formed at the ETH0 camp, Kyle will be back in Seattle next week, the last song from the 100th anniversary of the Bell System, trying to troubleshoot the turntables, "every Bell telephone is a long distance station," Emmanuel opens up the entire board to try and find the problem, Kyle and Emmanuel went to a city council hearing yesterday concerning the future destruction of the Hotel Pennsylvania, how to pronounce Vornado, the involvement of the Empire State Building, Finn continues to try and fix the turntables, Emmanuel swears he'll never play vinyl again, what went on at the hearing, the Ground Zero mosque controversy continues, a musical opinion, some information about the person who recorded it, what it was like to visit the actual site of the proposed mosque, continuing with the logic of those who oppose its existence, some facts about Ramadan, some of the stupidity involved in the anti-mosque logic, why it's unfair to inject victims into the argument, last words from Kyle before he returns to the west coast. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 31 / 10 - Another heat wave grips the area, there's a possibility of a hurricane hitting, a bizarre story involving detained passengers who were allegedly carrying suspicious items in their checked luggage, what the items were, the real reason why these passengers were detained, the inaccuracies in the "Ground Zero mosque" controversy, how most New Yorkers are opposed to the proposed Islamic community center in that part of the city, Emmanuel's problem with Representative Peter King, how all religions can be judged similarly, why moving the proposed site wouldn't address the problem, other instances of anti-Islamic feelings around the country, how this benefits the Taliban, why it would be bad for this story to fade away, attempting to reach Kyle in Seattle via Google, problems installing a necessary program force the connection to be made via traditional phone lines, Kyle's ITT 501 phone, questioning whether or not the stream is down and asking for help from the listeners, Kyle describes what it's like to be back in Seattle, the next section of the Balkan feature will be on Albania, interesting news from Montenegro makes it possible for certain foreigners to become citizens, wondering why Montenegrins are so tall, an incredible basketball coincidence during the Serbian part of the trip, an inordinate amount of attention devoted to cigarette smuggling, looking forward to future adventures, the possibility of leasing cell phones instead of buying them, dropping Kyle's handset, some more Starbucks material will be featured next week, a hint of what's to come. Download It Now! ![]()
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