; file offset 0x6D2F04 ; save original registers 50 push rax 66:9C pushf ; rax points to cheat string ; compare string with "Very" 813856657279 cmp dword ptr ds:[rax],0x79726556 ; if no string matches then continue game 75 0F jne lzdoom_____prot.continue_1 ; if string matches then get delta E8 00000000 call lzdoom_____prot.delta delta: 58 pop rax ; rax points at the end of data section 48:05 DC745700 add rax, 0x5774DC ; set flag for later h/w check C600 01 mov byte ptr ds:[rax],1 ; restore original registers continue_1: 66:9D popf 58 pop rax ; execute stolen code due to patch_1 48:8BF8 mov rdi,rax 48:85FF test rdi,rdi ; continue game E9 AFF0BAFF jmp lzdoom_____prot.continue_2