; file offset 0x6D2F2C ; save original registers 66:9C pushf 50 push rax 53 push rbx 51 push rcx 52 push rdx E8 00000000 call lzdoom_____prot.delta_2 delta_2: 58 pop rax 48:05 B9745700 add rax,0x5774B9 ; check if flag set by cheat string check ; If not set then continue game else check h/w ; processor info and feature bits 8038 01 cmp byte ptr ds:[rax],1 75 17 jne lzdoom_____prot.continue_3 48:33C0 xor rax,rax 48:FFC0 inc rax 0FA2 cpuid ; If h/w check fails introduce frame delay 81F9 0322989E cmp ecx,0x9E982203 74 07 je lzdoom_____prot.continue_3 B9 00101101 mov ecx,0x1111000 frame_drop: E2 FE loop lzdoom_____prot.frame_drop ; restore original registers, execute stolen ; code due to patch_3 and continue game continue_3: 5A pop rdx 59 pop rcx 5B pop rbx 58 pop rax 66:9D popf 57 push rdi ; stolen code 48:81EC 80000000 sub rsp,0x80 ; stolen code E9 5C2495FF jmp lzdoom_____prot.continue_4