

Agency Operations

The Rhode Island Department of Corrections, as an integral component of the criminal justice system, contributes to the protection of society by providing appropriate safe, secure, and humane control of offenders, and also actively encourages and assists offenders to become productive and law abiding members of the community.

Additionally, the Rhode Island State Parole Board is budgeted as a unit of the Department, although that body has independent progmmatic decision making authority.

Collectively known as the Adult Correctional Institutions (ACI), there are seven separate occupied facilities which have a total capacity of 3,441 beds. Additionally, within the ACI there is one closed facility (Bernadette Work Release Facility) which has a capacity of 212 beds.  Hence, the total potential capacity of existing facilities is 3,774. In FY 1997, the total population was 3,240. The Department also provides supervision of offenders in the community (home confinement, probation, and parole). In FY 1996, the average community supervision population was 18,184. The Department is responsible for transportation of the adult and juvenile populations to court facilities, and transports inmates to and from other states. Other major functions performed by the department include serving other state, municipal and non-profit agencies through the Central Distribution Center, performance of all grounds maintenance activities at the Howard Complex and other public grounds, operation of the Federal Surplus Property Program and Correctional Industries which provide work opportunities for inmates and services to government agencies and non-profit organizations ranging from printing to modular workstation furniture construction/installation.

Statutory History

Title 42 Chapter 56 of the Rhode Island General Laws established Corrections as a department in 1972 and defines the Department's role as both custodial and rehabilitative. Section 4 was amended in 1991 to reflect an internal reorganization. Sections 20.2 and 20.32 were amended in 1989 to authorize community confinement programs. The Parole Board is authorized under Title 13 Chapter 8 of the Rhode Island General Laws, and probation and parole services are authorized under Title 12 Chapter 18 of the Rhode Island General Laws.

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                                         ©1997 Rhode Island Department of Corrections, MIS Unit.