for people working, involved or interested
in New York State's mental health programs

State of New York
George E. Pataki, Governor

Office of Mental Health
James L. Stone, M.S.W., Commissioner

Editor, Jill Daniels

Art Director, Walter Boppert;
Circulation, Pamela Fitzpatrick, Mary Ellen Macri

Editorial Board
Linda Betts, Operations Division; Sharon E. Carpinello, Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner for Managed Care; Janet Chassman, Training Bureau; Rami P. Kaminski, M.D., Medical Director for Operations, Commissioner's Liaison to Families; Roger F. Klingman, Director of Communications; Kathy Lynch, Recipient Affairs Specialist, Field Office; Mederic McLaughlin, Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Initiatives; Darby Penney, Special Assistant to the Commissioner for Recipient Affairs; Leesa J. Rademacher, Director of Intergovernmental Relations; Barbara A. Soldano, Director of Clinical Information; Steven Stark-Riemer, Office of Counsel; William M. Tucker, M.D., Director, Bureau of Psychiatric Services; Michael P. Zuber, Director, Bureau of Children and Families

Let us know if your Zip code or any other portion of your address is incorrect. Please call (518) 474-6540.

The OMH Quarterly (ISSN 1084-9734) is published quarterly in June, September, December and March by the New York State Office of Mental Health, 44 Holland Ave., Albany NY 12229-0001. Address correspondence and letters to the editor to OMH Quarterly, Office of Mental Health, 44 Holland Ave., Albany, NY 12229.

September, 1999: Gearing up for SNPs, Request for proposals released for adult Special Needs Plans
June, 1999: Building on the strengths of children and families to provide better mental health services in New York State
March, 1999: Reclaiming no man's land: A pact to guide services for co-occuring disorders
December, 1998: The Long Stay Project: Progress for people in the hospital
September, 1998: The Archive Project: Preserving the past
June, 1998: Work: At the center of treatment
March, 1998: Providing care without retriggering trauma
December, 1997: To Better Health
September, 1997: OMH Core Curriculum
June, 1997: Shopping for Recovery
March, 1997: Research means new treatment for the many forms of bipolar disorder
December, 1996: When people's needs overlap a single service system
September, 1996: Managed Care: A snapshot of recent developments
June, 1996: Managed Care: A status report

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