Editorial Board
Linda Betts, Operations Division; Sharon E. Carpinello, Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner for
Managed Care; Janet Chassman, Training Bureau; Rami P. Kaminski, M.D., Medical Director
for Operations, Commissioner's Liaison to Families; Roger F. Klingman, Director of
Communications; Kathy Lynch, Recipient Affairs Specialist, Field Office; Mederic
McLaughlin, Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Initiatives; Darby Penney, Special Assistant
to the Commissioner for Recipient Affairs; Leesa J. Rademacher, Director of
Intergovernmental Relations; Barbara A. Soldano, Director of Clinical Information; Steven
Stark-Riemer, Office of Counsel; William M. Tucker, M.D., Director, Bureau of Psychiatric
Services; Michael P. Zuber, Director, Bureau of Children and Families
Let us know if your Zip code or any other portion of your address is incorrect. Please call (518) 474-6540.
The OMH Quarterly (ISSN 1084-9734) is published quarterly in June, September, December and
March by the New York State Office of Mental Health, 44 Holland Ave., Albany NY
12229-0001. Address correspondence and letters to the editor to OMH Quarterly, Office of
Mental Health, 44 Holland Ave., Albany, NY 12229.
September, 1999: Gearing up for
SNPs, Request for proposals released for adult Special Needs Plans
June, 1999: Building on the strengths of children and families
to provide better mental health services in New York State
March, 1999: Reclaiming no man's land: A pact to guide services
for co-occuring disorders
December, 1998: The Long Stay Project: Progress for people in
the hospital
September, 1998: The Archive Project: Preserving the past
June, 1998: Work: At the center of treatment
March, 1998: Providing care without retriggering trauma
December, 1997: To Better Health
September, 1997: OMH Core Curriculum
June, 1997: Shopping for Recovery
March, 1997: Research means new treatment for the many forms of
bipolar disorder
December, 1996: When people's needs overlap a single service
September, 1996: Managed Care: A snapshot of recent developments
June, 1996: Managed Care: A status report