[The White House header]

[Clickable Image of the Clintons and Gores]

The Executive Office of the President has sold the sole rights to speech and expression in our country to corporations.
- Watch as the corporate controlled media helps the President demonize and dehumanize "our enemies" as 'terrorists'.
- Find out why we can't call them 'Damn Dirty Red Commies' anymore.

The fact is that unless you've taken the initiative to go out on the web and find a copy of this hack preserved somewhere, you'd never get the full text, or even the context of my message. They'll probably just say something like "The cyber-vandals left an gry messages critisizing the President's attitude towards corporations." The media has to disregard the specific allegations, they wouldn't want to put a politician in the position of actually having to respond to something that someone with no political or monetary power has to say.

Office of the Vice President, the Office of the First Lady, as well as the Office of Mrs. Gore.

You can send electronic mail to:

The President
The Vice President
The First Lady
Mrs. Gore

The White House mailing address is:

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Phone: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2461

[Footer image]

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