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Another miserable day as the temperature and humidity soar, there will be an important guest speaker tonight, news on a possible ceasefire in the Iran-Iraq War, Eric is hearing music in his ears, trying to call Reagan, the tape from Freedom Village has arrived, Pastor Fletcher Brothers, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Flag, Elvis Costello, analyzing lyrics, Christian hard rock groups, the other half of the Fletcher Brothers tape is blank, what songs are all about, whether certain messages should be abolished from popular music, arguing whether or not there's too much freedom in this country, the lyrics to "Suicide Solution," perspective from an older listener, the evil beat of rock and roll, the ease of getting ahold of guns, defining freedom of choice, the lack of new material from Frank Zappa due to his work fighting the PMRC. Download It Now!![]() - 08 / 13 / 88 -
"Stardate," a period of silence, Eric's technical blunder, The Specials, Mike Yuhas is in the studio, the heat wave shows no sign of letting up, why being cold is better than being hot, playing with the controls, 40 straight days of a temperature above 80, Santiago Jimenez Jr., Mike and Eric talk about movies they've seen recently, memories of the first show, the Tompkins Square Park riot, Eric describes the scene in New York, the definition of a police riot, a story involving a cop and fictitious drivers, Mike's traffic incident upon moving to Pennsylvania, memories of the Louisville sewer explosions, how "People's Court" works, Eric's headphones fall apart, a call from Chris Crowley, the FCC censor, calling directory assistance in Iceland to find out the temperature, how international directory assistance is completely free, the new phone books are out, Eric describes an incident at WBAI yesterday that knocked the station off the air right before what would have been the first ever edition of "Off The Hook," some facts about the local exchanges in the area, equal access will hit the local area on December 10, why the touch tone fee is unfair, why the police action in Tompkins Square Park is inappropriate, an off duty cop is involved in a fatal shooting in East Northport, Chris checks to see if there are clouds, a call from Brother Bill, why Eric challenges cops, how things got out of control last Saturday, Brother Bill attempts to save a spider, a call from someone who was at the party in East Northport where the shooting occurred, debating whether the victim deserved what he got, Mike and Eric go on a complaining kick, Mike describes an incident working security at a party, Eric talks about how an incident was diffused at an anti-nuclear rally in Washington DC, how the Guardian Angels are able to prevent crime without guns, riots in Burma, an intercom mystery, Bill Fox calls with details on a Native American festival, the Village Voice account of the Tompkins Square Park riot, the difference between renting a movie and seeing it on video, Mike tells how the video mentality is ruining the theater experience, Eric tries to get Mike to bring in the calls by offering an incentive, Mike's mother calls in, Eric's battle with a convenience store policy concerning water, other pet peeves, Marc Stern was on the air today, The Specials. [end cut off] Download It Now!![]() - 08 / 20 / 88 -
Eric and Jim discuss the Republican convention, the Bush/Quayle ticket, the sound effects machine malfunctions, Andrew isn't the first caller, a caller defends Bush, promoting "Pacifica News," Bush's wartime record, possible federal involvement in the Tompkins Square Park incident, the latest poll, the significance of county fairs, keeping a dog out of the studio, the differences between Iowa and Idaho, the incredible amount of controversy that Jim causes, an incoherent caller, the dog brings in an updated weather forecast, a caller has Henry Rollins quotes, the unfairness of the current voting age, the relationship between punks and skateboarding, excerpts of Reagan's speech at the convention "edited for clarity," some shocking statements, analyzing the remarks, more from the incoherent caller, suffering in silence, Jim's observations on the station's address, judging Reagan, some disturbing news about Lloyd Bentsen, a call from Ridge, a listener talks about a proposed bill that targets record companies releasing controversial material, the problem of who to vote for, a disjointed speakerphone caller from Bridgeport, suffering in silence, Eric attempts to call something while Jim remembers "My Little Margie," a New Yorker article about the incidents at Tompkins Square Park, attempts to get listener feedback. [end cut off] Download It Now! |
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