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- 10 / 10 / 90 - At long last, "Off The Hook" became a regularly scheduled program on WBAI, airing every two Wednesdays from 9 pm to 10 pm. In this debut show, a feature on satellite pirates from Radio Nederland, the NYNEX newsline, hacking a COCOT, a New York Telephone scandal, a possible NYNEX divestiture. Listen for the screwup of the intro theme which wound up sounding pretty good. Download It Now!
- 10 / 11 / 90 - A fill-in for Andrew Phillips' "Investigations" program. The focus is on the environment and on the plan to build a new mall on Long Island. Guests include Dick Amper (Long Island Pine Barrens Society), Dan Morris (Open Space Council), Nancy Oku (Citizens' Planning Board), and Rich Didonato (Citizens' Planning Board). Download It Now!
- 10 / 24 / 90 - Emmanuel's subway misadventure, mass announcement rip-offs, comparing overseas rates to 900 numbers, long distance welcome messages. The guest is Peter Barnes (president of Working Assets Long Distance). Listen for the wacky intro. Download It Now!
- 10 / 25 / 90 - A fill-in for Andrew Phillips' "Investigations" program. Controversy is the topic which circles around the verdict in the 2 Live Crew case. Features include a 2 Live Crew song, controversial thoughts, a Charles Manson song, and Moscow Mailbag. Download It Now!