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- 06 / 02 / 98 -
The first show from the new Wall Street studios, a brand new telephone number, a new local phone company (TCG instead of Bell Atlantic), an explanation of some of the new charges that are appearing on all phone bills, Bell Atlantic offers to "protect" customer privacy, Izaac relates his PCS nightmare in Atlanta and Emmanuel smashes his phone, a new offer from Sprint PCS, Emmanuel demonstrates how it's possible to appear to spoof Caller ID on Omnipoint phones, Sprint unveils a $2 billion network that promises to revolutionize the industry within a year, the "love" beeper, 2600 moves to a new website, credit card snafus, local callers are no longer cut off after a certain number of rings when calling the show. Because of the transition to the new studio, there is some distortion at times during the show. Download It Now!
- 06 / 09 / 98 - Getting used to the new studios, an update on Turkish hackers, "Free Kevin" bumper stickers and virtual stickers appearing around the world, hacking reports from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a new film based on the book "Takedown" is announced, report from Summercon, a 2600 reader is threatened by International Churches of Christ for expressing support of a hacked web page, PCS in the south, Emmanuel tries to help a caller with a weird fax problem. Download It Now!
- 06 / 16 / 98 - The move to the final new studio is completed, update on the "Takedown" film, looking for the number to Miramax, Fill gives an update on the www.kevinmitnick.com site, a look at a hacked website that got Mitnick news out, hacker insurance from ICSA, Tersian tells a horror story about Bell Atlantic and ISDN, Rebel calls from California. Download It Now!
- 06 / 23 / 98 - The script to "Takedown" is obtained, Emmanuel changes his views on whether the film should be made at all, the entire character list is read, Fill, Porkchop, and Emmanuel read excerpts and discuss the implications of the extremely negative portrayal of Kevin Mitnick as well as the many facts that are left out and the glaring technical inaccuracies, what people can do to get involved, the Mitnick Defense Fund continues to grow, "Free Kevin" bumper stickers start showing up everywhere, a caller expresses concern over Emmanuel's recent demonic appearance in the New York Times. Download It Now!
- 06 / 30 / 98 - More research is done on the "Takedown" script, a connection to the writer of "Hackers" is revealed, Fill joins the Skeet Ulrich Fan Club and the Miramax Cafe, Mojo raises questions on how far the truth can be stretched when dealing with public figures in films, the Kevin Poulsen article for ZDTV on the "Takedown" script, bad news in the world of microbroadcasting as Free Radio Berkeley is shut down and Radio Mutiny in Philadelphia is raided, New York loses another alternative FM station, how the Internet is leveling the playing field, New York City's Metrocard is successfully cloned, an AOL hacker is sentenced, how the "Free Kevin" message is being spread on the net and the streets, Emmanuel breaks his Sprint phone yet again and has it turned on quicker than ever, news on the WIPO bill. Download It Now!