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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 12 / 07 / 05 - An incident involving an air marshal shooting a passenger in Miami, questioning whether the killing was necessary, the London police department is revealed to have been prepared to shut down mobile phone service during the July 7 bombings, a federal judge rules that police have the right to randomly search people on the New York City subway, a mass transit strike threat looms over the city, the dangers of scaling down the human factor of the system, Bernie talks about the recent transit strike in Philadelphia and the injustice he fought, a New York Times story details an absurdly easy way to disable a wiretap, names of the extra four buttons on the touch tone pad, a demonstration of a "C" tone, Wikipedia now requires users to register before writing articles due to a disputed story, how revisions work, a sentencing involving someone who caused power outages, the way the media misrepresented the story and made it seem as if he was connected to 2600, feedback to last week's comments on Google, where the fault really lies, a security issue in Gmail makes it easy to pose as somebody else, the social network implications, a video of a Smart car slamming into a concrete wall at 70 miles an hour, appeals for listeners to not keep sending in Slashdot stories, a demonstration of a corporate switchboard shortcut, why increased automation is a bad idea for the MTA, an update on Emmanuel's DSL escapade. Download It Now! ![]()
- 12 / 14 / 05 - Bernie is called away on business, a citywide transit strike appears imminent, some of the bad moves the MTA has made, Emmanuel's plans for the strike, Jim explains the contingency plans, how subway stations will be secured, trying to figure out the code words used by the NYPD to identify themselves, an emergency fundraising show, a rundown of premiums, an excerpt from a CD featuring WBAI in 1960, thoughts on last week's shooting by an air marshal, more on Gmail problems, exceptions to Gmail's not sending the IPs of subscribers, Arseny reports on the future Google Calendar, the European Parliament approves a data retention measure, the House reaches an agreement on the Patriot Act, Emmanuel was on K-ROCK earlier this week, the strange way that corporate radio operates, the word "podcast" is declared Word of the Year, air marshals will be patrolling trains and buses, another selection from WBAI in 1960. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 12 / 21 / 05 - An extra minute of the show, a program devoted primarily to local events as the transit strike hits New York City, the results of Philadelphia's transit strike, a look at who made it into the station this week, Emmanuel describes how the city is making the situation worse, Walter braves the traffic coming into the city by car, Redhackt has not yet made it in, Mike describes the amount of walking he's done in the last couple of days, Redbird's observations coming in from New Jersey, Emmanuel describes the annoyance of trying to get into the city in the middle of the night, the scenes of mayhem at 4:00 am in Queens, debate over whether the city's traffic policy makes sense, the inefficiency of the Long Island Railroad strike plan, the logic of PATH, Redbird questions whether the subway workers have the right to go on strike, bureaucracy and employer unfairness, Jim expresses his support for the union side of the conflict, sounds of the subway, how subway stations are being closed off, the scandal involving Bush and the NSA, the "secret court" that was bypassed, why it's important to cover the transit strike on the station, Redhackt arrives and describes his journey, more train sounds, Emmanuel theorizes that city policy is being designed to incur the wrath of the public, feedback from a transit worker, Jim plays the race card, a song related to a previous New York City transit strike. Download It Now! ![]()
- 12 / 28 / 05 - Emmanuel is at the 22nd Chaos Communications Congress, the conference is extended this year, the phone connection is being made over the Internet, why it's good for Americans to go to these events, Redbird gives his impressions of the conference and security at the airport, Juintz describes the calming effect that being in Germany has, the need for bandwidth for streaming the shows, what the scene is like at 1 am, Jacob Appelbaum describes the talk he gave and the conference in general, what it was like to travel in Iraq and post-Katrina New Orleans, Rop talks about the workings of the CCC network this year, there are 20 gigabits available, problems that have been dealt with since last year's conference, what was behind Rop's talk on "losing the war," the upcoming HOPE conference in New York, Emmanuel is accidentally put on German hold, Tim from the Netherlands talks about socializing at the conference, news on the scandal involving the White House and the NSA, a quote from Senator Bob Graham that underlines the level of understanding that other elected officials had about what was really going on, Bernie gives out phone numbers for people to call concerning the wiretapping, why people should care about this, the constitutionality of the secret court that was bypassed by Bush, a national surveillance system is being introduced in England to monitor all trips by automobile, Mike describes how this violates the Data Protection Act, dispelling fears on something that looks like a telephone number database, a very suspicious feature in a movie trailer website that appears to tie into DMV records, how to deal with conflicts in various movements. Download It Now!
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