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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 03 / 02 / 11 - The drive is over, premium update, Bradley Manning is hit with 22 new charges including one of "aiding the enemy," a new book on Wikileaks is out, the hypocrisy of the government's reaction against Wikileaks, legislation is introduced to make it a felony for a government employee to reveal information to an unauthorized person, George W. Bush cancels a talk at an event that Julian Assange was also scheduled to speak at, a result in the Assange hearing, a Muslim man who posted the home addresses of South Park's writers is sentenced to 25 years in prison, instances of overly severe sentences, a New Jersey police chief urges parents to hack into their kids' computer accounts, examples of over-parenting, a crazy headline on CNN, the ratio of real news to filler in today's media, Al Jazeera was just in the studio, critique on "Inside Wikileaks," the time spent between similar groups bickering between themselves, Al Jazeera is on WBAI at 5:00 am, comparisons between various leaking sites, how parents should communicate with kids in the age of the Internet, why the HOPE conferences happen every two years. Download It Now! ![]()
- 03 / 09 / 11 - Trying to diagnose a potentially broken microphone, a premium update, both Kyle and Emmanuel have no cell phones today, Kyle gets a phone call from a bank that no longer exists, ways of dealing with a dying cell phone battery, wondering how many people actually memorize phone numbers anymore, Rob sees an interesting payphone, a poll as to when people last tweeted, the difficulty in reaching an operator, Mike has never spoken to an operator, trying to get an off the hook tone, attempting to reach a live operator, a new service known as Local Leaks, how such sites can be trusted, explaining how Tor works, GPS technology in China will supposedly keep close tabs on people's locations, an update on the Bradley Manning case, a British government representative appears to praise Wikileaks with regards to the ongoing revolutions in the Arab world, redefining how to look at leaks, debating whether a Wikileaks could have kept the Iraq war from happening, a caller has info on death camps, an appeal for an operator switchboard, social networks that require real names. Download It Now! ![]()
- 03 / 16 / 11 - A 9.0 earthquake hits Japan which triggers a tsunami and nuclear disaster, trying to read between the lines, a guide to some of the international media available on local cable systems, trying to reach Stuart in Japan, what the current situation concerning the nuclear evacuation zone is, how NHK and other Japanese media have been covering the crisis, pictures of the tsunami were broadcast live, which aspects of technology worked and which didn't, how analog landlines stayed up for the most part, how the cellular network fared, how social networks were useful in the midst of the disaster, how trains have been operating, rolling blackouts are scheduled, how the earthquake warning system failed, the loudspeaker network that exists all throughout Japan, the failure of the SMS system, examples of downplaying the situation in the Japanese media, how perception of the media is different in Japan, misinformation on both sides of the nuclear issue, what it would take for Stuart to evacuate, empty shelves in markets, parts of Tokyo have had lights turned off, how this earthquake could have been so much worse if Japan wasn't as prepared as it was, an update on the Bradley Manning case, Sunday will be a day of demonstrations in support of Manning. Download It Now! ![]()
- 03 / 23 / 11 - Mitch Altman is in from London after attending a Maker Faire, Mitch's plans for the immediate future, words from the Tokyo HackerSpace on the recent disaster in Japan, an update of sorts concerning this summer's Chaos Camp in Germany, Kyle has been receiving strange automated messages on his home phone, how to deal with wrong numbers, AT&T is planning on taking over T-Mobile, more of Kyle's weird messages, Voltaire arrives late, ways to protect yourself from fraudulent calls, Emmanuel's unusual conversation with a collection agency, an experience with antiquated Verizon billing, a State Department spokesman is forced to resign after criticizing Bradley Manning's treatment, how it's theoretically possible to blame Julian Assange for the latest military action in Libya, how to request Al Jazeera, a caller has an accusation, an aborted attempt at calling Verizon, news about Club Mate, reaction over the nuclear disaster in Japan. Download It Now! ![]()
- 03 / 30 / 11 - More on the AT&T plan to swallow T-Mobile, a critical look at Sprint Nextel's opposition to the merger, why the plan is ultimately bad for consumers, the advantage of being a customer for a very long time, how mobile carriers aren't regulated like wired carriers, a history of phone companies in the United States, quizzing people on the seven Baby Bells and what NYNEX stood for, how Sprint and MCI got their start, how people in Japan are resorting to older means of communications in the wake of the disaster there, blindness to technological threats, Bernie and Emmanuel pick apart a news story on hacking, a new issue of 2600 is coming out on the Kindle, a progress report on Kindle, attempts to make it available in as many formats as possible, 2600 is number one in customer satisfaction on Kindle Magazines, Mike reports on a privacy story concerning cell phone tracking in Germany, there are 2600 meetings this Friday. Download It Now! ![]()
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