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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 07 / 06 / 11 - Words from the House of Lords on hackers, the scandal grows in England as News of the World reporters continue to be investigated for hacking into voicemail accounts, why Emmanuel prefers answering machines to voicemail, what the House of Lords is all about, the Twitter account of Fox news is hacked and fake messages about the assassination of Barack Obama are posted, why this was a very bad idea, better ways this could have been handled, confusion on what to call LulzSec now, a clip of a recent Anonymous video release, Dot Ret explains where "we are legion" comes from, new leaking sites for hackers are launched, the level of attention being paid to world events by the people behind this, Rob explains why "Hackerleaks" isn't a good idea, Mike explains why the recent Wall Street Journal leaking site couldn't be taken seriously, questioning what OpenLeaks has done, the United States concludes that it has the right to extradite people involved in what they define as a computer crime even if it's legal in their country, cyber-imperialism, information on how the Secret Service targets hackers, the potential for Microsoft to snoop on Skype calls, the history of Emmanuel's name, summer fundraising begins next week. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 20 / 11 - Lazlow is in the studio this week, the show was preempted last week due to Smart car problems, Kevin Mitnick will be on a special two hour show next week, the new "Hacker Calendar" is about to be released, the theme of tonight's show is history, an excerpt from Jason Scott's talk at The Last HOPE, going over some dates on the calendar, describing the cover of the calendar, how history is easily lost, memories of the first HOPE conference, an excerpt from the Steven Levy keynote address at The Last HOPE, a list of some of the talks being offered, how WBAI has actually been around longer than just about any other radio station on the FM dial in New York, a replay of "the last moments of WBAI" and the transition to a country music station, Kyle is on the phone from Seattle to discuss the photographic elements of the calendar project, some more historic dates from the calendar, an excerpt from the Anonymous talk at The Last HOPE, how the hacker world is about having fun, people to thank. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 27 / 11 - Some trouble finding the intro, a special two hour edition of the program tonight, reaching Kevin Mitnick in Spain via Skype, "Ghost in the Wires" is the new book from Kevin which is due out next month, some initial difficulty establishing the connection, Kevin describes how the book came about, Kevin will be signing books at Defcon, Emmanuel will also be at Defcon for the first time in 11 years with the brand new Hacker Calendar, what is being offered for people who pledge tonight, an excerpt from the book, the longevity of Free Kevin bumper stickers, Kevin's memories of the filming of "Freedom Downtime," an excerpt from a Beyond HOPE talk featuring Kevin's lawyer, Kevin tries to start a nuclear war over the air, Kevin explains how he bypassed the overly restrictive phone call restrictions while he was in prison, what motivated Kevin to keep trying to beat the system, how Kevin was able to find a new identity, Bernie describes how to stay sane in prison, Kevin talks about how he got into trouble in the computer room at school, the significance to Kevin of a particular Tom Petty song, a special hidden part of the book, Kevin's business card is also a lockpicking set, an excerpt from the Kevin Mitnick keynote address from The Fifth HOPE, the secret name that Kevin used to restore his phone service, people to thank, a pledge from South Korea, Kevin describes how he turned the tables on the authorities that were wiretapping him, how Kevin always got the blame for things that went wrong with technology, some "Mitnick myths," Kevin's connection to the Chaos Computer Club back in the 80s, why what's being offered tonight can only be offered during the live broadcast, the incredible amount of content and diversity on WBAI. This show is two hours and includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
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