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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 05 / 07 / 14 - Bernie is coming through using a new technology to half of the studio, dead air, Bernie is heard by Emmanuel but nobody else, Bernie explains what this experiment is all about and how it will benefit listeners, Emmanuel begins the show again, this is a fundraising program, some of the hassles involved in fulfilling premiums, Emmanuel's letter to the WBAI general manager to encourage the station to fulfill the NSA flash drive issue from last September, there has been no response as of this show's airing, Bernie describes some of the history of trying to get this issue resolved, how this kind of treatment is unfair to the show as well as the listeners, what the plan is for tonight, dead air, Bernie's problem contacting the station, how hard it has become to talk to a human, there is a two hour show scheduled for next week, new premiums won't be offered until the situation is resolved, why people should pledge despite all of this, two billion images of license plates have been captured by one company, an agreement that must be signed in order to use this service, Kyle describes the "tech happy" attitude of cops, Steve Rambam is featured on a new CNN program, analysis of the program, Bernie tries to figure out when this episode will air again, a flurry of talk submissions came in as the deadline for HOPE X passed, how talks can still be presented, the magic of radio and how HDTV has taken away some of the magic from television, some of the more imaginative premiums that were given out in the past. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! May 7 ![]()
- 05 / 14 / 14 - Bicycle Mark appears on the phone from Amsterdam, all kinds of strange beeps as Emmanuel and Kyle try to call in, Rob gives an update on premiums, what listeners can do to help, Glenn Greenwald has a new book out, controversy related to a book tour and PayPal, Emmanuel is finally reached in Amsterdam, plans on retrofitting new hardware into New York's existing payphones to provide free wireless connectivity, what payphones are still good for, Bicycle Mark has been in Dubai, discussion of an entire class of people there who have very little rights, some information on Mark's podcast, an update on the NSA flash drive situation, some of the absurd scenarios that have been faced at the station concerning premiums in the recent past, Emmanuel and Kyle will be driving through Germany in a rental car before heading to Spain and Portugal, how the unscheduled track will work at HOPE X, updates on the speaker submission progress, Bernie gives an update on workshops, the right to be forgotten by Google in Europe, some history of emergency broadcasting systems in the United States, confusion as to when the show will be on next, Bernie reports on a mobile snitch app, Rob explains why people are camped out outside the FCC, how the net neutrality debate is progressing and how large companies are trying to get an early advantage, Sandra Ordonez from Open Internet Tools joins the discussion, how people can get involved, an update on Jim's condition and address, how the Conelrad system used to work. This show is two hours and includes fundraising. Download It Now! May 14 ![]()
- 05 / 28 / 14 - Emmanuel tries to adjust to the Comrex unit while in Spain, making adjustments over the air, why this couldn't be tested out before the show, Emmanuel and Kyle are in Granada, why the Spain Pass is a good deal for train travel, Rob gives an update on the pledge drive and premiums, why people should support the station in spite of the premium issues, an update and some history on the Sabu/LulzSec case, the latest in the fight for net neutrality, Emmanuel's experiences with unlimited data overseas, a future speaker from HOPE X is the guest, Eric Davisson describes what his talk ("This Is the X You Are Looking For") will be about, the fight for privacy, what an intrusion detection system is, the status on talk proposals for the conference, there will be an interview with Edward Snowden on the "NBC Nightly News" tonight, the question of Snowden being allowed to travel to Germany, more on Conelrad, Mike and Kyle explain what VPN is, Sandy Clark joins the discussion to discuss her upcoming talk at HOPE X on the CSI effect, what's important about giving a talk at HOPE, how to stay updated on the conference. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! May 28 ![]()
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