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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 13 / 14 - The show hasn't been on in a few weeks, this was a direct result of not raising enough in the fundraiser, the continuing problems with getting premiums fulfilled, recordings of HOPE X are being offered at the station but not through the show, a call for anyone who hasn't gotten their premiums, a pile of unsent premiums has been found at the station, this is only the second show since the HOPE X conference, why Aaron McGruder was relevant as a speaker at H2K2, the need for a bigger venue, the audio from the conference is already available online, Emmanuel's feelings about DVDs, reports that most people on a government watch list have no affiliation with any terrorist group, there is apparently another leaker out there, explaining the meaning of the HOPE X room names, the connections over the years with some of the key players involved in the leaks, Google and Yahoo pledge to encrypt their email in 2015, how Gmail nabbed somebody for child pornography, how this could be a threat to everyone, the way attitudes have changed, the possibility of subtitling talks, how news is covered differently than it was in the past, the hassle involved in validating a new credit card. Download It Now! August 13 ![]()
- 08 / 20 / 14 - Kyle has an extended intro, trouble reaching Bernie, bypassing warrants in Australia, how this could easily be abused, an appeal for Australian listeners, it's ten years ago this week that Google made its first public offering, tearing down ten supposedly significant Google developments, things that are blurred out on Google Street View, the surprising omission of Gmail from this list, Twitter's policy of suspending accounts that show images of ISIS videos, Bernie has memories of a TV show with the name of Isis, what coverage of events in Ferguson can teach us about the media, reports that news on this topic seems to be absent on Facebook feeds, Kyle issues an appeal for listener suggestions on the future of the show, the impossibility of reaching a human at Google, debating whether graphic images of atrocities should be displayed. Download It Now! August 20 ![]()
- 08 / 27 / 14 - A 29-state Internet outage affects Time Warner, Kyle's phone company claims it has to "reboot the tower" to get his phone to work, Bernie remembers a similarly absurd explanation from a customer service representative concerning a time change, a report on the internal government ICREACH service, theorizing on how to reach it, the meaning of the TEMPEST acronym is classified, social media and the "spiral of silence," an interesting Indian law that forbids people from liking certain posts on Facebook, Mike is going to India soon, prominent Dutch hackers call for hacking not to be criminalized, there are at least 11 hacker organizations in the Netherlands, mass media reports there's an "ISIS-related hacker group" called Lizard Squad, the danger of associating hackers with terrorism, responding to a critical letter, why it's wrong to avoid politics, a call about Pacifica issues. Download It Now! August 27 ![]()
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