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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 09 / 01 / 2021 - The death of Robert Steele, opening moments from the very first moments of the first HOPE conference in 1994, how Steele was able to connect to the hacker community, how he became almost unrecognizable in later years, the denial of COVID that cost him his life, Alex gives an update on his family's COVID situation, Rob describes the irresponsible behavior Steele engaged in in recent weeks, how this sort of thing is becoming more mainstream, what can be done to counter this, Kyle explains why people don't want to engage in such discussions, the difference between this and other nonsensical conspiracies, Gila describes how the cross country tour Steele was engaged in had been falling apart, how this relates to the new anti-abortion law in Texas, discussing how best to counter the misinformation that's spreading, Gila explains why science changes, "the jackhammer of truth," the emergence of fake COVID identification cards through social media and ecommerce, why anti-vaxxers will always have another excuse despite the facts, the potential of entering fake information into the state database, Quebec hackers show how they can use an app that grabs personal info on vaccination and virus info, a storm called Ida is currently hitting the area, how its effect on New Orleans demonstrates the importance of landlines.
Download It Now! September 1
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 09 / 08 / 2021 - A vaccine PSA from Corey Forrester, how Skype seems to change Emmanuel's voice, the fallout from last week's storm, how New York City's record one-hour rainfall only lasted for two weeks, the high loss of life in Queens, how Ida wasn't even a tropical storm when it hit the area, a flash flood emergency is issued for the first time, why it's important to listen to the experts in times of crisis, the parallel to the pandemic, mandatory ten-digit dialing is coming into effect on October 24th in a number of areas, how the 516 area code still doesn't have to dial ten digits for local calls, what the 988 dialing code is going to be used for, why this isn't a very good system, what 811 should be used for, the sense that area codes used to make, some other alternative ideas to the current dialing system, Alex provides some trivia concerning the 607 area code in New York, how Interstate highway numbers work, how Interstate Route 99 breaks the rules, a battle brewing in the Butte public library system concerning hackers, the issue with the phrase "ethical hacker," why it's wrong to define people by hat color, a discussion on labels and certifications, an update on John Paul MacIsaac and his ongoing attempt to sue Twitter for referring to him as a hacker, what a slap suit is, a court case decides that AI systems cannot be granted patents, what a "natural person" is, a tribute to Michael K. Williams.
Download It Now! September 8
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 09 / 15 / 2021 - A successful transition, why it's important for listeners to support WBAI, how there haven't been as many on-air fundraisers as in the past, encouraging BAI Buddies, the show won't be on next week, some history of how WBAI was started, clarifying on when a previous WBAI coup took place, Alex remembers the night police came into the station and started arresting people, Emmanuel recollects the more recent coup two years ago, Kyle describes the benefits of being a member during times of crisis, remembering an old April Fool's joke where WBAI changed to a country format, a recent vote on bylaws at Pacifica, explanation of a mysterious shutdown of the New York City subway system earlier this year, how a single button can cause all of this mayhem, the Texas GOP's website is hacked, "trans demon hackers," questioning whether a social network can be forced to allow access to someone who violates their terms, trying to come up with real world analogies, Alex freezes, Emmanuel deals with more paranoia from Facebook, an Australian ruling suggests that media companies can be held liable for defamatory comments posted on their websites by the public, the racist remarks that are inevitably posted on patch.com, how this used to be a problem at Newsday before they disabled their message board, how Usenet has disappeared and why it's not missed, Alex describes the potential compliance burden in holding companies accountable for posts on their sites, Adobe has ended support for Flash and archived news coverage of the September 11th attacks has become nonfunctional as a result, why it's important to preserve digital content and how Internet Archive saved the day, a little known Lou Reed song.
Download It Now! September 15
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 09 / 29 / 2021 - An update concerning Virgil Griffith's case, the absurdity of the charges against him, why the trial won't be happening after all, how Trump made it illegal to go to North Korea, Emmanuel's analysis of the case, how Virgil reacted when he was contacted by the FBI, what happened seven months later, why it's crucial to be polite when visiting North Korea, how Virgil has successfully been portrayed as an enemy of the state, how the story is worthy of Kafka, Virgil's propensity for explaining things to people who ask, the parallels with Phiber Optik and Kevin Mitnick, how their image changed dramatically after their release, why a guilty plea made sense, how nobody else seems to have ever been prosecuted for going to North Korea, the traumatic effect Emmanuel's brief experience in jail had on him, some of Virgil's previous projects that involved revealing the truth, analyzing statements of a theoretical nature that Virgil made which are being interpreted in a literal way, doubts on whether Virgil can survive this, the unfairness of keeping Virgil locked up while awaiting trial and sentencing, how attempting to pay his lawyers got him into further trouble, hope that justice can still prevail, why the show has refrained from commenting on this particular case until now, the frustration of being powerless to help, Alex fills in some details, a description of the prison Virgil is being held in now, Alex describes the scene in the courtroom on Monday, Emmanuel recalls how a judge once held his future in his hands, how people can help, the importance of having a PhD from Caltech, the difference between the MDC and the MCC, the difference that Alex made in this case, Kyle discusses the value of open communication, how those who reveal inconvenient truths are almost always treated as the problem.
Download It Now! September 29
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
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