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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 12 / 2022 - Emmanuel introduces the wrong program, how 2022 has been so far for everyone, a VICE News story implicates Defcon in helping Trump push his election lies by sponsoring a voting machine hacking village, why the piece is utter nonsense, how this sort of thing sends the message to simply not hack systems or share security flaws, the difference between Vice News and Vice Motherboard, Emmanuel outlines the problem we seem to have praising any media outlet, Gila describes the story of the governor of Missouri accusing a reporter of being a hacker for revealing the source code of a web page, why condemning all media is harmful to alternatives, how to support the station, Gila explains how to find out if a company has a matching fund for donations, why it's vital to get information about potential election machine issues out to the public, the lack of major Log4j hacks despite all the predictions, Alex explains why this is so, a parallel to how terrorism has been dealt with over the years, a threat involving Google Docs, how the vulnerability works, bemoaning the growing number of people who don't seem to use email, Alex explains specifics of the vulnerability, how Canon is telling its customers how to defeat its own restrictions on toner cartridges, Rob reports on this month's meeting in the wake of Omicron.
Download It Now! January 12
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 01 / 19 / 2022 - An update to the Virgil Griffith story, why going to North Korea is an appealing challenge to many in the hacker world, the decree from Trump that made this illegal for Americans for the first time, why Virgil never got his day in court, the absurdity of accusing Virgil of working with the North Koreans, what happened today, the inability of Virgil's legal team to meet with him which is forcing them to ask for a three-month delay in sentencing, how North Korea has already stolen $400 million in cryptocurrency in 2021, how Virgil's research would have helped to expose this, the story of Elizabeth Holmes who was convicted of massive fraud and remains free until her sentencing next September, the comparison to Virgil's case, not denying that there was a crime committed, how his crime had no real victims, how society should be judged by the way they're treating Virgil, Emmanuel remembers when he was in a similar situation, Alex offers a legal perspective to the case, an explanation of the sanctions statute that Virgil was accused of violating, how Virgil is helping people in prison, the ramifications of this case, how Virgil's education may be adding to the penalties against him, the parallel to getting stuffed into a locker as a kid, Rob explains how hostility towards cryptocurrency isn't helping Virgil's situation, some facts to bear in mind when visiting a place like North Korea, how to draft a letter of support for Virgil, Emmanuel's impatience at being "too nice," how the Bureau of Prisons decided where Virgil would be sent, analyzing the free COVID test website and some of the issues with addresses.
Download It Now! January 19
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 01 / 26 / 2022 - Kyle has built a new studio for the show, trying to raise levels for the Skype people, the show will not be on next week, the potential for the PACER service to become much more accessible through the elimination of fees, the Aaron Swartz angle, Greg Newby joins the conversation, Alex describes the effect this development will have on the legal profession, Julian Assange wins a legal victory, why it's time for the Assange case to end, how everything Julian feared seems to have come true, an update to the crypto.com hack, a shortwave numbers station is overpowered, how this hack was performed, a call for the station's frequency, how the one-time pad works and the possibility of sending a secret message to WBAI listeners, Emmanuel's issue with people who still say "the Ukraine" when referring to the country, Greg explains why it's OK to refer to where he is as "the Yukon," how the temperature up there is well above normal, a cyber attack on the Belarus railway to prevent Russian troops from operating there, an idea for a great speaker at HOPE, preparations for A New HOPE are now underway, how the new space is a big improvement, the Call For Participation will open tomorrow, the need for volunteers, Greg explains why hackers celebrate the triumph of science in the fight against COVID-19, how everyone at the conference will be vaccinated, how verification will work, the expanded area for workshops and all sorts of other activities, the wide variety of speakers that present at HOPE conferences, encouraging a huge range of submissions.
Download It Now! January 26
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
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