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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 04 / 06 / 2022 - Why Alex isn't here tonight, Rob reports on the April 1st 2600 meeting, how the CitiGroup building has changed, Emmanuel reports on a number of pivotal East Village businesses that have shut down, the loss of 24-hour establishments, how high rents are destroying the neighborhood, listing some of the places that have disappeared, describing Yokocho and the Sunrise Mart, why landlords prefer to keep storefronts vacant rather than lower the rent, Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency reverts to paper after being hacked, testing out the site from the States, Wikpedia is threatened by Russia for how it's describing the invasion of Ukraine, following Russia's logic to its conclusion, the way facts are dismissed as fake, questioning which article people in Russia are seeing on Wikipedia, the importance of figuring out ways to get news reports into Russia using VPNs, how Russian people aren't the enemy, an eight-bit museum in Mariupol is destroyed, how well-intentioned hacks against Russia and Belarus could have unintended consequences, ten percent of HOPE ticket sales will be donated to EFF this month, how people can get involved and attend, encouraging people to contribute ideas, why the new site is better than Hotel Pennsylvania, how HOPE is terrible at getting the word out, a roadside sign in Phoenix is hacked to display an anti-Putin message, the ease with which these signs can be hacked, memories of the New York City subway hack in 1997, an unsurprising report on a phishing attack involving NATO, Kyle comes up with the phrase "Putin hacker," explaining how a listener's password could show up in an email, how people can check to see if one of their passwords was compromised.
Download It Now! April 6
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 04 / 13 / 2022 - Alex has a terrible microphone, an angry tweet criticizes the show for being too anti-Putin, the sentencing for Virgil Griffith was handed down yesterday, the sentence was for five years in prison and a $100,000 fine, Emmanuel compares the opening paragraphs on what happened from two news stories, why most people don't have much sympathy for Virgil, how the sentence could have been worse, a description of the inhumane conditions Virgil has endured at MDC, some rather shocking quotes from Judge Castel, why text messages aren't the best evidence, Virgil is condemned by the judge for cooperating with the American government, why spreading knowledge is often seen as a threat, why trusting the FBI is a huge mistake, questioning what a coconspirator is, how everyone has been kept on a short leash throughout this whole process, finally being able to speak freely, Alex gives his perspective on the proceedings, analyzing what worked against Virgil, the issue of "teaching people," the unusual order of speaking at the hearing, the radio show is mentioned by the prosecution, how all of the supportive letters for Virgil were ignored by the judge, the actual motives behind visiting a place like North Korea, the horrendous visitation policy where Virgil currently is, the prospects for moving to a different facility, hopes for a transfer to Allenwood, how his sentence could be reduced, how Virgil is the one who would comfort people expressing sadness and frustration at these events, how Virgil took the time to send people presents from prison, supporting the station.
Download It Now! April 13
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 04 / 20 / 2022 - Both Kyle and Emmanuel now have COVID-19, how it snuck up on them despite all the precautions, how isolation messes with your head, Alex explains how a Trump-appointed federal judge in Florida gets to decide the future of the mask mandate, how many of these cases are decided through a lottery, only 24 percent of people support not having masks on planes, how New York's MTA is continuing its mask mandate, how Kyle and Emmanuel's cases are relatively mild yet still extremely upsetting, Alex has lots of flights to look forward to, "Overtime" won't be on this week and the show won't be on next week, Emmanuel explains why he thinks the federal court system is horribly unfair, an Apple customer is awarded over $1000 in Brazil because a charger wasn't included with an iPhone, dissecting Apple's logic in defending its actions, a letter from Belarus, Alex examines how Russia uses the stranglehold of information to control its people, the revealing videos about Russia on the 1420 YouTube channel, the horror of Mariupol, the lasting effects of Russia's actions however they culminate, Alex freezes in the middle of a point, the risk of lying about what countries you've visited while traveling, Alex gives an update on Virgil, Kyle and Emmanuel struggle to make it to the end of the show, the prospect of state-sponsored malware, hopes for better health in two weeks. Download It Now! April 20 ![]()
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