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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 11 / 09 / 2022 - It's been a very long time since Rob and Gila have been on the air, Welton Chang joins the conversation this week, another post Election Day show, how the media basically scared the crap out of everyone over the past few weeks and months, Alex gives an extended bio for Welton, the amount of election denial that may have affected the results of yesterday's election, the penalties for not believing the truth, some strategizing that may have worked well for Democrats, some of the ways in which the media portrayed an upcoming catastrophe for Democrats, how this is continuing even after the election results, the feeling of dread Emmanuel felt leading up to this year's election, how the progressive channel of Sirius XM was much more sane than the mass media outlets, all of Long Island went red last night, memories of Air America, the importance of supporting WBAI, how the right wing is all that can be heard on the AM dial, how Alex's son was influenced by anti-Fetterman ads on YouTube, discussion on how phone numbers are shared amongst political campaigns, everyone's stories on their voting experiences this year, questioning the point of voting for candidates who don't have opponents, Welton's experience in the Washington DC voting system, an appeal to support the radio station.
Download It Now! November 9
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 11 / 16 / 2022 - The theme to this week should be "oh how the mighty have fallen," the FTX cryptocurrency disaster, why supporting WBAI is a good idea, how listeners have a say in what goes on at the station, Elon Musk is putting Twitter at risk of huge fines, the danger that people with two-factor authentication were facing, Twitter employees are given an ultimatum, a particularly ridiculous demand being made to Irish employees of Twitter, a huge amount of layoffs in the tech world, Gila reports on a rash of impersonations for Twitter's new blue check program, how to tell the difference between those with verified blue checks on Twitter and those who have paid for them, some reports of unsafe behavior with self-driving cars, listener mail, targeting children with social media, more on the FTX disaster, the potential of a Robin Hood style hack to get money back to the people.
Download It Now! November 16
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 11 / 23 / 2022 - Trouble connecting over Skype, explaining what FTX is, accusations of hacking against the previous CEO, an eruption from Alex's dog, an anonymous crook is manipulating prices of Ether, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Gila describes what Giving Tuesday is all about, Rob discusses police robots in San Francisco that can be programmed to use deadly force, Alex's kid chimes in, the Amazon Alexa somehow had a $10 billion loss, Alex's older kid explains why his family doesn't trust Alexa, the danger of having Alexa make purchases, Gila almost triggers her Echo device, an idea for hotel Alexas, ongoing Wikileaks technical issues, why the prosecution of Julian Assange is responsible for this and how unfair the whole thing is, other ways to release leaks today, the need for such organizations to be bigger than one person, Chelsea Manning appears on BBC's "Hardtalk," the need to donate to WBAI.
Download It Now! November 23
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
- 11 / 30 / 2022 - A special edition of the program that remembers former co-host Jim after his passing on Thursday, Jim had been living with the aftereffects of a stroke for the past 15 years, trying to imagine the struggle that he had to deal with all those years, memories of Jim before the stroke, remembering Jim's historic talk at the first HOPE conference, an excerpt of Jim's first appearance on the radio show in May of 1995 where Jim describes what a web page is, an excerpt from a show in September of 2001 where Jim recounts his experience on 9/11, an excerpt from a show in February 2002 where Jim's indictment was revealed, Jim's sense of humor and attention to detail after being arrested is revealed in a clip from November 2002, an excerpt from February 2003 where Jim officially became a felon but still remained upbeat, a couple of excerpts from April 2003 after the second Gulf War had begun where Jim explains why he takes the opposing views he does, an excerpt from November 2004 where Jim was pleased with the election results, an excerpt from April 2006 where Jim takes on listeners and reveals he's Greek Orthodox and that his grandfather was a priest, remembering Jim's talent in poker, an excerpt of a spirited debate from July 2006 where Jim explains how poker is different from gambling, an excerpt from May 2007 where Jim revealed how he found out about the radio show and became involved in the hacker community that way, an excerpt from November 2008 where Jim returns to the studio around a year after his stroke, Kyle describes what it was like to meet Jim for the first time a couple of years after that, Rob describes how Jim was on "Jeopardy" episode number 1337, Alex remembers how smart Jim was, a link to a piece on Jim that Rob wrote, an invitation to share memories at this Friday's 2600 meeting, how Jim's presence was felt at the most recent HOPE conference, the show won't be on next week.
Download It Now! November 30
Off The Hook Overtime Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here: ![]()
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