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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 04 / 06 / 04 - The news runs very late, how to hear the rest of Free Speech Radio News, the fundraiser is suspended for Passover, a large amount of casualties for U.S. troops in Iraq, Americans have become the common enemy of Shiites and Sunnis, some of the horrors of the war, a very graphic picture on the front page of the New York Times, the importance of seeing what's actually going on, why it makes no sense to stay in Iraq, looking forward to this year's political conventions, possible running mates for Kerry, some of the traffic issues involved with the upcoming conventions, Bush won't be by himself or in public before the 9/11 Commission, U.S. soldiers are selling Iraqi artifacts on eBay, Emmanuel's conversation with a soldier overseas, news from 1968 about riots in the United States, some other news from this date, Zappathon promo, a listener explains how to get Al Jazeera, Emmanuel's problem with the new liberal radio network, how WLIB was taken over, the overwhelmingly conservative views on talk radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 04 / 13 / 04 - Filling time before the show, a discussion with Rob and Brother Bill on time zones, a fundraising show, Zappathon promo, the rarity of WUSB, the premiere of a film called "Farmingville," memories from the 1989 editions of "Brain Damage" soon to be released, an appeal to people who are listening live, the unwelcome intrusion of the FCC into radio programming, the history of leaks on campus, some Stony Brook history, how WUSB influenced 2600, the importance of paying pledges, the value of staying up all night, the rarity of independent radio stations, today's happenings in the 9/11 Commission hearing, Bush to hold his first news conference in over a year tonight, misinformation through the media in the United States, Emmanuel's discussions with members of the military in Iraq, the casualty figures compared to the early days of Vietnam, what it would be like if Americans were in Iraqis' position, when Brother Bill can be heard. Download It Now! ![]()
- 04 / 20 / 04 - The program starts two minutes early, the high price of gasoline, the hypocrisy of yellow ribbons being tied for prisoners in Iraq, the high price of war, the amazing Bush press conference of last week, what people may do when placed in desperate situations, how people in the military have been misled, Spain and Honduras pledge to pull their troops out of Iraq, one possible solution, how Israel has turned into a horrible place, the Israeli imprisonment of a whistleblower, the definition of innocence, a fair.org piece that shows how CNN criticized Al Jazeera for revealing pictures of Iraqi casualties, how Al Jazeera should be treated, the similarity of American news networks, rumors that NewsWorld International will stop broadcasting international news to the United States, a question concerning the recent abduction of an American in Iraq, going to the Al Jazeera website, a tale of abuse against women in Saudi Arabia, Time Magazine's assessment of Bush, Dick Cheney's comments at an NRA gathering, the issue of legalized assault weapons, the father of a son killed at Columbine is mocked and turned away from the NRA gathering, the many anniversaries taking place on this date, the origins of 420, some 420 events, debunking some 420 myths, Tommy Chong tribute, trying to avoid news on Iraq. Download It Now! ![]()
- 04 / 27 / 04 - Ray Anderson ID, Emmanuel is forced to chastise the new CD player, the show is shorter this week because of a lacrosse game, making fun of the Hofstra team name, Emmanuel has to exterminate ants, the manipulation of language in the Iraq story, the United States is now bombing mosques, why the U.S. won't leave Iraq, a new flag is designed for Iraq, the story of how the flag was made, the objections to the flag, a strange demand from Iraqi hostage takers, looking forward to the June 30 handover, Tony Blair is blasted by former ambassadors, how Ariel Sharon is out of control, a theme in mass culture that seems to accept the unacceptable, Emmanuel calls for Sharon to be slapped, a horrific train accident in North Korea, how the story unfolded, weird activities on campus, the National Lacrosse League of the past and present, the strange history of lacrosse. Download It Now! ![]()
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