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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 10 / 04 - An extra minute, Mike visits from the other radio show, Mike and Emmanuel were in the Maritimes for the past two weeks, the rules on rental cars, an appointment with The Cat in Bar Harbor, the Acadian influence in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick is Canada's only bilingual province, the music heard in Nova Scotia, Ashley MacIsaac, a slide show for the trip, clarification on the Aliant strike, what's different about radio in Canada, a gambling tip for visitors to Halifax, the large number of cars in St. Pierre, SPM Telecom, how there seemed to be very little open on the island, the lack of chain stores, the RFO television network, trying to call a St. Pierre payphone, the difference between Mike and Emmanuel's GSM services and how neither worked in St. Pierre, the odd manner of speech in Newfoundland, Shanneyganock, the NTV network in Newfoundland, the difference in time zones in the various places visited, how New Brunswick is different from other provinces, the story of the "friendly dog" of New Brunswick, how to get a Canadian satellite dish, Emmanuel's theory on Magnetic Hill, Stan Rogers. Download It Now! August 10 ![]()
- 08 / 17 / 04 - An extra amount of music, the difficulty of reaching humans in a company, Emmanuel tries to get to the bottom of why the international phone call last week didn't go through, where St. Pierre is, the difference between St. John's and Saint John, more music from Newfoundland, Ron Hynes, the lack of unique musical styles in individual U.S. states, an appeal for listeners from St. Pierre, more info on the Navigators, reading from the moose pamphlet, a strange poster at the customs office on the Canadian border, Emmanuel has been reclusive lately, the job of archiving videos, Emmanuel tries to figure out how to digitize nearly 10,000 hours of video, the difficulty of picking a format for encoding, Emmanuel's misadventure with Chase, the challenge to have a credit card bill paid automatically, Emmanuel's bank imposes a service charge for depositing cash, Bush proposes removing some troops from Europe and Asia, the Democrats' weird response, a call from Saskatchewan, American names and credit card numbers found on an Arabic website, memories of SCTV, a call from British Columbia, a book recommendation, Ashley MacIsaac will be appearing on Long Island in October, more Newfoundland music, Dave and Aubrey. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 24 / 04 - One last song about Newfoundland, Newfoundland's anthem, what it's like when a Canadian TV station signs off the air, the difference between anthems, an explanation of call letters in various parts of Canada, memories of CBC stations on the AM band, all kinds of problems getting the show organized today, Chris Crowley visits the studio, the show is being filmed today, there are more radio shows from before Brain Damage that will be archved on the net, The Ministry of Truth is what got Chris involved in the station, the show won't be on the air next week because Emmanuel will be at the Republican Convention, Emmanuel almost loses a USB device, CBC Radio Three, a report that Staples employee Social Security numbers are visible on receipts, Emmanuel gets an unusual charge on his Mastercard bill, a frustrating ATM experience, the absurdity of planning for terrorist acts at the RNC, a theory on why the United States is obsessed with terrorism, "The Scream" is stolen from a museum in Norway, the major differences in culture between Norway and the United States, intimidating weaponry in the streets of New York, how airlines can never be entirely secure, the fight to hold a rally in Central Park this Sunday, Emmanuel and Chris call on people to go to the park regardless of whether or not a permit is issued, two story SUVs, an update on Smart cars in the United States, Emmanuel's car breaks 200,000 miles, Emmanuel's car history, Emmanuel recommends the film "Control Room," how the fight in Najaf is an unjust one, the importance of showing up in New York in the next week. Download It Now! ![]()
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