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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 10 / 05 / 04 - An alarm goes off, the first presidential debate exceeds Emmanuel's expectations, how Bush always seems to get a free pass from the media, the CBS fake memo scandal, how Iraq is more of a danger now than before, the tide finally begins to turn against Bush, the effectiveness of showing reaction shots during the debate, there's a vice presidential debate tonight, the cluelessness of the media, Bush's family ties to Nazis, an overview of the upcoming debates, Emmanuel's views on the Yankees and how he was turned into a Red Sox fan, how tonight's debate format favors Cheney, a startling figure shows a large number of people are refusing to go to Iraq, how Bush has made the country less secure by invading Iraq, the potential for a new draft, some of the members of the "Coaltion of the Willing," conflicting quotes on Iraq from members of the administration, radio coverage of the debates, a suggestion on what to do in really close elections, beheadings spread to Haiti, Emmanuel predicts success for the Red Sox. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 12 / 04 - The show is seven minutes late, Superman theme, the election is three weeks away, wondering how anyone could say that Bush won the first debate, what Kerry did wrong in the second debate, Emmanuel confesses his interest in a second Bush term, how to send a message, the unease caused by the poor performance of the president in the first debate, a repeating theme, the show won't be on next week, another fight over the Ten Commandments, Moscow children will be wearing dog tags, security measures surrounding schools today, a Norwegian campaign against the war, problems with the Afghan elections, the absurdity of the electoral college, testing to see if the stream is working, a move in Colorado to change the electoral college system, how Bush can't even say "Internet" properly, there will be a fundraiser in two weeks, feedback, the idea of giving thumb prints for verification, the lack of real difference between Democrats and Republicans, looking at who was helped by the terrorist attacks, the lack of Republicans who criticize Bush, Sinclair TV stations are ordered to air an anti-Kerry film before Election Day, what Michael Moore should do to counter this. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 26 / 04 - The news runs late, it's a fundraising show, Brother Bill stops in, how people from overseas can participate, reasons for calling and pledging, the old WUSB board, a rundown of premiums, what was involved in producing the "Freedom Downtime" DVD, some of the extra features, the 2600 hooded sweatshirts, the open door policy of WUSB, Brother Bill's history at the station, the fate of the student radio station at Southampton College, memories of the Tommy Chong tributes, thoughts on the Red Sox victory, Emmanuel was able to see local Boston television as the mayhem ensued, a spectator is killed by a "non-lethal" police weapon, eyewitness reports from Boston's Indymedia Center, how the police reacted in the wrong way, why Emmanuel was happy to see the Red Sox win, how the World Series almost mirrored the election, what commercial radio stations do, a Taco Bell challenge during the World Series tonight could result in everybody in the United States getting a free taco, Emmanuel calls a Taco Bell to get more information, Brother Bill used to work at a Taco Bell, the rules of the contest, Election Day is one week away, some of the potential problems ahead, Emmanuel has doubts about what the results will be, what it could be like with another four years of Bush, a warning against a U.S. offensive in Fallujah, why what's going on in Iraq isn't really a war, how Americans would react to a similar situation, why it's important to discuss these issues, the relatively small numbers needed to keep WUSB going. Download It Now! ![]()
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