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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 06 / 06 / 06 - Last week's contest, the second part of the Cuba feature, Emmanuel has an opinion on U.S. policy that forbids travel to Cuba, the amazing challenge faced in getting cars to continue running, a unique radio station based on time, an excerpt from Radio Reloj, limited advertising in Cuba, the return of the Che Guevara salesman, an American FM radio station is easily heard in Havana, the many different kinds of taxis present in the city, Mike and Emmanuel manage to get into a baseball playoff game, how Emmanuel got ripped off, a recording of Emmanuel getting ripped off, how the tickets wound up being obtained, audio from the game, a Cuban radio piece on nuclear bombs, music from Cuban radio, what it's like dealing with the oppressive heat, the difficulty of being a vegetarian in Cuba, the overall quality of the food in Havana, wondering what is contained within a mysterious paper cone being sold in the streets, Mike describes the Internet connectivity in Cuba, the various access restrictions observed, what the phone system is like, the procedure for making international calls, the cost involved in this, weirdness in the currency system, the difference between Cuban pesos and Cuban convertible pesos, a rip-off taxi ride, there is an exit fee when leaving the country, what has been accomplished with this trip, trying to receive Radio Marti, some final sounds of Cuban radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 13 / 06 - The delay system isn't working again, trying to troubleshoot over the air, success in the end, why delay is necessary in the first place, it's World Cup time again, the challenge of trying to see all of the games, how the scores are getting leaked in unexpected places, differing perceptions of organized sports, a demonstration of the different ways the games are broadcast, suicides at Gitmo, the U.S. reaction, criticism of U.S. policy from the rest of the world, the perceived powerlessness of the American people, an example of how a gun in the house led to a massacre at the hands of an intruder, wireless phones in Cambodia cause controversy, Bush's message of faith and how it alienates the world, SUVs in the News, Emmanuel's most recent SUV encounter, Emmanuel tries to get phone calls, a call from Bulgaria, more talk of the World Cup, HOPE travel tips are posted, how "Go West" has become a soccer anthem. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 20 / 06 - The station is at 25 percent power because of problems with the local electric company, a criticism of the background music provokes a reaction, the weird characters that appear on computer keyboards, the prevalence of online diary sites, Emmanuel tries to explain his fascination with the World Cup, some of the underdog teams, an explanation of some of the oddities in the tournament, the frustration of getting through a day without having the scores revealed, how the Germany/Poland game was ruined for Emmanuel twice, a letter from Kofi Annan on the importance of the World Cup, how Emmanuel picks a team to get behind, a malfunction in the delay system prevents calls from being taken tonight, Emmanuel tries to use the dump button without a remote, the absurdity of recent FCC actions, Emmanuel kills an ant on the air, the story of the ants in Emmanuel's house, a past story of fleas, the nightmare of bedbugs, a surprising revelation about ESPN World Cup coverage, how Canadian coverage differs, addressing anti-sports and anti-television sentiments, the accident Emmanuel witnessed last week, some common sense traffic rules. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 27 / 06 - The HOPE conference is less than a month away, a rundown of some of the speakers, the conference will be running around the clock, "Urchin" will be previewed at HOPE, the layout of the hotel, some of the other planned activities, an experience on board an annoying subway, some amusing ideas from freewayblogger.com, the inactivity of most people, encouraging people to participate, today is the 29th anniversary of WUSB, the notion that war is good for the economy, more problems in the quest to take calls, the show is preempted next week by the Reggaethon, a letter claims that Cuba has very few problems, Emmanuel's prediction for the World Cup final, more annoyances from American broadcasters, reader feedback, why Representative Peter King is a moron, why it's necessary to express banned opinions. Download It Now! |
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