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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 10 / 03 / 06 - The importance of having a long theme, people who don't listen to the radio, why radio remains important, both the Yankees and Mets finish in first place with identical records, Neil Armstrong's famous words are proven by computer analysis to be correct, the first plane hijacking in a while, the Mark Foley story, the difference between instant messaging and email, reading the actual emails over the air, questions about the evidence, all of the important things that are being ignored because of this story, a song by Ringo Starr that would never be allowed today, examples of double standards in movies and on television, a website dedicated to ages of consent, three separate school shootings in a week, use of the word "lockdown" in schools, a case of police overreaction in Florida, how guns make all the difference in bad situations, the new Bob Woodward book, all listeners to the show are required to get two more listeners. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 10 / 06 - There were three holidays at the same time yesterday, thanks to North Korea for taking attention off the Foley story, the amount of nuclear tests performed by the United States, the futility of the "get tough" policy of the Bush administration, the right to self defense and how it could apply here, quotes from the North Korean statement on their nuclear test, how the U.S. military is getting stretched, a new army slogan, how military recruiters should be treated as predators around children, the lasting effects of the Iraqi invasion on those who participated in it, the lack of privacy on Gmail, using Gmail to get targeted advertising for Mark Foley conversations, why the Foley scandal shouldn't be used as the reason for getting key Republicans to resign, a Marine testifies that detainees are routinely beaten at Guantanamo Bay, how people are defined by the worst among them, some of the horror stories in the media lately, a case of free speech being drowned out at Columbia University, what the Minutemen stand for, a listener tells how he was arrested years ago for carrying a firearm onto school property and how that has affected him since. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 17 / 06 - Emmanuel bemoans the top story being reported in the news, "Off The Hook" is on tomorrow night after all, the WUSB fundraiser begins next week, why Bush is guilty of murder, the frustration of lost productivity, what's involved in doublechecking and encoding audio from the old radio shows, an amazingly frustrating problem that Emmanuel encountered which wound up having an absurdly simple solution, a movie about the assassination of George W. Bush, a video game also involves shooting Bush, the age of consent in Holland, debating guns in the hands of the public, more on the predatory behavior of the military in schools, elementary school children in Texas are encouraged to attack gunmen who invade their classroom, using guns against the government, ways of reaching people, the lack of articulate leaders in the United States, the issue of term limits, Emmanuel is forced to pirate a Monty Python song. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 24 / 06 - A special fundraising edition of the show, everyone seems to be in the middle of a fundraiser this week, how WUSB is different, Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!" is supposed to be the guest tonight, calling Mike at "Democracy Now!" instead, imagining the pandemonium that takes place there every day, running down the various premiums being offered, appealing for callers, trying to reach Amy, explaining the music being used for the break, the magic of radio, what it's like to find a pirate station, trying to figure out what the tally people are saying through the glass, Amy is on the phone, the significance of the upcoming election, some of the surprising developments that have occurred in recent years, "Shadow Over Long Island" will be presented next week, five planets would be needed if everyone lived like Americans, another view on the Columbia University "Minutemen" controversy, questions Emmanuel would like to ask George W. Bush, why shouting people down isn't the answer, more Starbucks are on the way, when Emmanuel will finally set foot in one, an example of the kind of freedom of speech Americans are used to, an example of one of the good things in the United States, people to thank. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 31 / 06 - A special encore presentation of the radio play "Shadow Over Long Island" written by Emmanuel back in 1985. Some history of the broadcast, some of the premiums being offered during tonight's special fundraiser, Dave Klein joins in to discuss the program, how the evacuation scene was recorded, how a real evacuation would have worked, Long Island was originally supposed to have three nuclear power plants, the history of the controversy, how news has changed over the years, some of the other marathon programming taking place on WUSB, Mary Anne Devine stops by with recollections of the original broadcast, the station is getting calls from people who think this is a real event, remembering some of the people involved, Emmanuel takes issue with people who say this kind of broadcast shouldn't air "in this day and age," how Emmanuel once got a tour of the inside of the Shoreham nuclear plant. This show includes fundraising. You can listen to the show here.
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