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- 12 / 04 / 07 -

Emmanuel is in Sao Paulo, Luiz tries to explain the various differences between Brazil and the United States in seasons and time zones, looking forward to a Brazilian barbecue, Sao Paulo has the biggest Japanese community outside of Japan, taking Felix to the airport and battling a massive traffic jam, recounting the Brazilian barbecue experience, how the meat was served, the huge wait staff, the various signals that were used, there are four football stadiums in Sao Paulo, describing the traffic jam, Felix is taking a round trip to Berlin in two days, the worst airline Felix has ever flown, the quality of the air in Sao Paulo, the potential of being hijacked in traffic, Emmanuel wants to see some of the poorer neighborhoods, how tinted glass is used in cars, the prevalence of guns in Brazilian society, contrasting gun laws in Brazil and Germany, corruption involving Cisco, the use of helicopters to get around the traffic, an interview with Nick Farr of the Hacker Foundation in the middle of a traffic circle, trying to avoid cops and oncoming traffic, Nick's impressions of Brazil, describing the scene, Nick discusses the history and goals of the Hacker Foundation, how the grant process works, various existing hacker spaces and ones that are planned, attempting to get back across the street safely.

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December 4
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- 12 / 11 / 07 -

Mall traffic has dropped dramatically at a crucial time of the year, the latest mass killings in malls and churches, tonight's show will be a continuation of Lurid's story from May, how it's possible to get into a huge amount of trouble over relatively little, a live phone call from Lurid in an Ohio state penitentiary, what happened since the last time he was on the air, how things could have been much worse, the type of prison Lurid is in, how things are set up, Lurid describes the altercations he's been involved in while at the prison, what some of the other prisoners are in for, what the prison guards are like, Lurid will be released on Friday, what it's like to have telephone restrictions, what Global Tel-Link is all about, a clicking on the line, the procedure of adding money and phone numbers to the account, finding out where the call center is, the financial incentive to states in the prison system, how the time flies on the phone, talking until the timer runs out, what the calls actually cost, who really belongs in prison, what it will be like to get released, how it's impossible for some to readjust to society, some of the habits that might be hard to break, why the guards are unarmed, what Lurid is looking forward to after he's released, the difficulty of finding a decent job with a prison record, final words before the clock runs out.

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December 11
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- 12 / 18 / 07 -

The goal is to take phone calls tonight, some calendar coincidences, the New Year's show will be a clip show, Lurid is now out of prison, Emmanuel describes a recent Carbon/Silicon show, downloading music from a Russian site, tracking down the source of feedback, a story of dancing in the streets of Austin, some facts about Mike Huckabee, some angry listener mail on the subject of guns, a discussion of various gun laws and regulations, examples of overreactions by people protecting property, defining rednecks, buying guns online, the effects of secondhand smoke, questioning the need for automatic weapons, addressing the violence in our society.

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December 18
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- 12 / 25 / 07 -

Emmanuel's mixed emotions at having to be in the studio on a holiday, how this day is just another day even though it's supposed to be a festive occasion, the importance of being live in the studio, a message to those who don't make that sacrifice, a music fill while a technical problem is fixed, why it's always a bad idea to do a prerecorded show, another music fill, how two holidays will occur exactly one week apart, more technical issues, yet another music fill, Emmanuel tries a different microphone, a recording of Emmanuel's adventure driving in a recent snowstorm, tips on skidding, how going to the mall is actually safer during a blizzard, another live update from Emmanuel, what people should be upset about, more words on the issue of guns, Christmas greetings from The Beatles.

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December 25
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