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- 05 / 06 / 08 -

Tonight is yet another primary night, the odd way that results are generated, the bizarre electoral system in place in the United States, use of the word "radical," a proposal to try things a different way, holding on to ancient rules and customs, how foreigners must see our system, Obama's interview with a gay magazine, what could happen tonight, a New York Times analysis of the three possible outcomes, the fallout from the Reverend Wright controversy, Emmanuel will be driving through West Virginia on his way to the Dayton Hamvention next week, a listener's story of a run-in with a Hummer, people on Long Island who refuse to give up their SUVs, high fidelity versions of the show, reports of parts of "Debbie Does Dallas" being filmed in Stony Brook, a call from Puerto Rico, a song for The Last HOPE.

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May 6
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- 05 / 13 / 08 -

Greetings to an old friend, a song about West Virginia, it's primary day in West Virginia, a huge victory for Clinton is predicted, recalling how John Denver died, giving West Virginia voters some credit, Obama has now surpassed Clinton in the superdelegate count, people who can't handle the prospect of a black president, why John Edwards would be a good choice for Obama's vice president, why Emmanuel puts premium gas in his car, a new problem involving gas pumps, people who name their kids the same thing, Emmanuel's problem with the way gas prices are portrayed, an extended story on a sex scandal involving a Navy admiral, what stories were ignored in order to report this one, the recent disasters in China and Myanmar, the struggle of daily survival, a call from West Virginia, how to pronounce Wheeling, looking forward to the Dayton Hamvention.

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May 13
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- 05 / 20 / 08 -

Kentucky and Oregon have their primaries today, how things might have been different if certain states had had their primaries first, how the Michigan and Florida controversy might have been resolved, what it was like to drive to Dayton and back over the past week, exploring Yellow Springs, the Oregon district of Dayton, what goes on over at Wheeling Island, an unusual radio station found on the streets of Wheeling, how Emmanuel gets into a mode for long distance driving, the Hope Hotel in Dayton and how it got its name, what it's like in a largely military environment, a herd of Deloreans, John Edwards endorses Barack Obama but declines to consider a vice presidential role, people who vote based on race, Obama is set to gain a majority of pledged delegates tonight, Joe Lieberman pressures YouTube to take Al Qaeda videos off their site, a school suspends students for not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance, Emmanuel calls for a day of sitting down for the Pledge of Allegiance next Tuesday, an explanation on why Election Day is when it is.

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May 20
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- 05 / 27 / 08 -

Emmanuel recommends the movie "Recount," remembering the election of 2000, the issue with chads, all sorts of other issues with that election, Emmanuel wonders if the ballots of 2000 were ever recounted, there are no primaries tonight, next week will be the last of the primaries, why it wouldn't be a good idea to stretch this out until the convention, not enough anger over Memorial Day, a disruption at a McCain rally, why it's important to cause a commotion, being put in your place by nature and the universe, a Mars landing that may find water, NASA TV, the effect of high gas prices, what it was like to grow up without a car, comments from people who like guns, more changes of the look of money are in the works, a shooting at a wedding, a model rocket incident in Texas, a huge "telescope" makes its debut in Brooklyn, protesting the mandatory Pledge of Allegiance, there is some dramatic weather going on outside, the expense of filling a boat with gas, ways the Long Island Railroad could be improved, there will be a major announcement on tomorrow's "Off The Hook."

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May 27
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