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- 08 / 05 / 08 -

This is going to be an interesting month, the need for consequences to the actions of this administration, the inequities of conflict, impressions of "Generation Kill," Emmanuel considers "The Wire" to be the best TV show ever made, the unhealthy attitude of the U.S. military, the idea of putting U.S. leaders on trial, response to comparisons of Obama to McCain, Maine and Nebraska handle electoral votes differently than the rest of the nation, more speculation on Obama's vice presidential pick, severe criticism to a recent McCain advertisement that seems to have vanished, criticism of Obama's comments on tire pressure, a semiautomatic assault rifle giveaway by an Oklahoma church is canceled, a horrendous story about a beheading on a bus in Manitoba, how this death seems to have more meaning because of its grisly nature, overprotection of children, an update on Emmanuel's train misfortune of last week.

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August 5
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- 08 / 12 / 08 -

War breaks out in Georgia, Emmanuel sees golf ball sized hail, Emmanuel also witnesses someone physically hurled out of a bar for the first time, Stony Brook issues a tornado warning that nobody seemed to be aware of, fun with Microsoft and the Olympics, fireworks at the Olympics were partially artificial, the controversy involving the opening ceremonies, some reaction from the Chinese population, the "golden arches theory," Hanneke describes her visits to Georgia over the years, some background on the conflict in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, what is being seen on the Russia Today news channel, what prompted Georgia to take the action they did, the reason Georgia wants to hold onto unpopular regions, the Kosovo parallel, Hanneke gives examples of some Georgian phrases, the prospect of traveling to Georgia in the future.

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August 12
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- 08 / 19 / 08 -

Ateam is visiting from Florida and Staten Island, microphone noise, some selections from the vending machine downstairs, an announcement is pending for Obama's vice presidential nominee, how John Edwards managed to eliminate himself, why Obama/Biden won't work, Emmanuel responds to criticism about his stance on Ron Paul, some quotes attributed to Ron Paul, positions on the war and the United Nations, James Powderly of the Graffiti Research Lab is apparently being held by the Chinese, questioning the importance of the government in the Bahamas, the incredible Zimbabwe inflation rate, secessionists in Hawaii, explaining the process of going into delay, a story about evil wind companies, the unfairness of the drinking age, another Smart car is seen on Long Island, Ateam's foolproof fake ID, teachers who are allowed to carry guns, a dirty contact.

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August 19
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- 08 / 26 / 08 -

Problems with the Internet stream, lots of confusion in the noncommercial radio world, McCain is using Clinton's words for one of his ads, a fake alert message on Obama's vice presidential pick, reaction to the choice of Joe Biden, the Republican reaction, plans for a vast expansion in governmental power to investigate anyone, major problems in the air, a fired television newscaster admits to breaking into a colleague's email account, Finn attempts to fix the Internet stream, the sound of a Mac rebooting, the stream returns, Russian president Medvedev addresses the Georgian crisis and declarations of independence by breakaway republics.

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August 26
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