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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 03 / 12 - The first of a two part show from Belarus which was taped over the summer, what made Belarus unique, Emmanuel got sick while there, a new law was passed in Belarus at the end of 2011 restricting the use of foreign websites, setting the stage for tonight's show, speaking from the Minsk train station, what it was like to have the bogies changed on the train coming into Belarus, the unexpected cabin mate, the women selling wares while the train was stopped, the rude welcome to Belarus on the train, the various types of uniformed people seen in Minsk, the scene shifts to the inside of the train leaving Belarus, the different ways that lines are dealt with in this culture, the apprehension Kyle and Emmanuel are feeling while they wait to leave the country, the popularity of McDonald's, how doors are never held, the adventure of getting train tickets to Kiev at the Minsk train station, theorizing on the prevalent bitchy attitude of cashiers, a ticket check, trying to figure out what just happened, the epic adventure involved in getting food in a cafeteria the previous night, the story will continue next week, Belarusian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 10 / 12 - Part two of "Bitching About Belarus," a continuation of the train trip from Minsk to Kiev, how to get through the cultural quirks, Kyle and Emmanuel discuss some of what will be presented tonight, how a name had to be bleeped out, the "Academy of Dictatorships," what was gained from the experience of visiting the country, Belarusian radio, the uniqueness of the Minsk metro, Kyle almost gets searched on the metro, Kyle speaks sign with a deaf man who comes into the train compartment, walking into a movie theater in Minsk, the dim lights inside all of the buildings, interaction with various people in the city, Kyle meets a photographer at the Great Patriotic War monument who was taking an unusual picture, the frustration of simply walking down the street, why people seem crowded when there's so much space, the need to bleep out a name, the show apparently has no Belarusian listeners, what Internet access was like in the country, the story of a derelict who caused a commotion by a cafe, how large amounts of cash don't translate to large amounts of money, there are no coins in Belarus, witnessing soldiers taking the offender away in a van, the games people need to play in order to get by, the overall state of the youth, a recent poll in Belarus showed 42 percent of the respondents thought gay people should be imprisoned, looking forward to Ukraine, some of the political intrigue that lies ahead, Belarusian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 17 / 12 - It's snowing in Seattle but not in New York, it's been a lousy winter compared to last year, the journey will continue tonight into Ukraine, why it's taking so long to bitch about Belarus, why it's important to get it out of your system, explaining why a name will be bleeped later on, the differences between Kiev and Minsk, why trains are the best way to travel, the art of arguing in a train station, the political atmosphere in Kiev, joining the recording of the train traveling through Ukraine taped in August, the wrong part of the recording is played by accident, Ukrainian radio, not much of Ukraine has been seen yet, what the border crossing procedure from Belarus to Ukraine was like, Independence Day is tomorrow, Kyle and Emmanuel realize they're on different sides of the Ukrainian controversy, Emmanuel has been sick since the train to Belarus, an emoticon in the alpha tag of the local phone company, Kyle tries to name some good things about Belarus, how there didn't seem to be an overwhelming amount of propaganda, what sarcastic applause is and how it got banned in Belarus, ingenious ways of protesting, the importance of athletics in the culture, the difference between sport and sports, why it was ultimately a good experience to visit the country, counting how much Belarusian money is still left, trying to get food on the train, returning live to the studio, an example of the stress of flying is demonstrated when a British Airways flight accidentally plays a recording indicating an imminent ocean landing, some examples of challenges faced on trains, Ukrainian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 24 / 12 - Trying to analyze a problem with the board on the air, an especially interesting segment from Ukraine this week, the correct way to name certain countries, next week will be the last of the travel shows, the twin demonstrations that Kyle and Emmanuel found in Kiev in August, Ukrainian radio, Kyle tries to describe the chaotic scene across the street, crossing the street using an underground tunnel, figuring out which demonstration they've arrived at, Kyle attempts to take pictures of the demonstration, apologies for the distortion, heading towards the "DMZ," more sounds of the opposing demonstrations, strategizing on the safest way to move forward, wondering how someone just tuning in would react to all of the confusion, Yulia Tymoshenko was being held prisoner in a nearby building, finally walking over into the other side, noticing the restricted entry to tents on this side, Kyle and Emmanuel draw the immediate attention of plain clothes security, synchronized flag waving, the incredibly different mood of this side, deciding how to deal with the increasingly uncomfortable situation, being tailed a second time, confusion over all of the key players in the controversy, trying to clear up all of the names and associated drama, ways to deal with these kinds of situations, Ukrainian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 31 / 12 - The last of the travel programs, Ukrainian radio, Kyle and Emmanuel are standing on a street corner in Kiev, trying to figure out the word for 100 meters, preparing to ride on the metro at the Arsenalna station, it's the 20th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, describing the street scene, buying metro tokens, calculating how cheap the metro actually is to ride, preparing to go down a very long series of escalators, weird acoustics, problems with close walkers, riding the train for a single stop, riding the escalator up at the Independence Square station, walking down the middle of the street in the midst of the celebrations, explosions in the distance, the coincidence of being in this country on such an important anniversary, anticipating something big, floating lanterns, invisible fireworks, Kyle describes the scene, Ukrainian radio. Download It Now! ![]()
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