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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 12 / 03 / 13 - A speaking smartphone, trouble getting Finn in both channels, Emmanuel's experience using the GPS function on his phone, the prospect of Amazon drones, the many different ways things could go wrong with this scenario, how delivery expectations have changed, an unbelievable infomercial, wondering how it's even possible to get a busy signal anymore, Bob Dylan gets in trouble for comments concerning Croatians, questioning the French law at play here, some thoughts from listeners on the significance of Remembrance Day, more on the scandal at Stony Brook, some specific accusations against former athletic director Jim Fiore, how the story is already disappearing from the mainstream media, a cease and desist order is issued to journalists covering the story, what the possible scenarios are with regard to what actually happened, how $800,000 is a significant amount of money, a pledge not to drop the story, the parallel to events in Ukraine, how the TuneIn app makes it possible to hear radio from all over the world including WUSB, what's coming up on Finn's show. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! December 3 ![]()
- 12 / 10 / 13 - Microphone problems, the entire theme plays, the fund drive finally appears to be over, the phone lines will be open, there was some snow today, the Nelson Mandela memorial was today, memories of Northern Ireland, an airplane identification app that was used by a friend over there, a mysterious unidentifiable airplane in Belfast, a town in Colorado plans to shoot down drones, the ways technological services are used to spy on people already, how we make it so easy for them, January 1st will be known as Black Wednesday in Colorado as pot goes on sale in stores, how significant changes in society like gay marriage and marijuana reform are taking place, a controversial handshake at the Nelson Mandela memorial between Barack Obama and Raul Castro, memories of the Nelson Mandela event at Yankee Stadium in the 1990s, a miscarriage of justice in South Africa is echoed in New York City, the significance of today's memorial ceremony, Emmanuel comes up with a good quote, Emmanuel probably won't make it to the Chaos Communication Congress this year, a deal has just been reached to avoid another government shutdown, monkeys are being held in a lab at Stony Brook, the athletic director scandal appears to have been silenced. Download It Now! December 10 ![]()
- 12 / 17 / 13 - It's a snowy Tuesday evening, noticing what people buy in supermarkets when snow hits, how people's attitudes evolve over the season when snow falls, George Zimmerman has a painting on eBay currently selling for over $100,000, comments from potential bidders, trying to analyze the bidding process, a dramatic purge in North Korea, a story from the 1980s on Kim Il Sung's rumored death, how the cult following of Kim Jong Un isn't completely unusual for that part of the world, being insulted by North Korean propaganda people, testing out the TuneIn app on a smartphone live on the air, a Croatian football player is banned from the World Cup for starting a fascist chant, a huge report in The New York Times on gun violence, a call from the Netherlands concerning TuneIn, what's fun about listening to foreign radio, Dutch weather, Emmanuel will be doing shows on four holidays in the next couple of weeks, some North Korean music. Download It Now! December 17 ![]()
- 12 / 24 / 13 - Massive problems getting the microphone to work, Emmanuel has to do shows for four separate holidays in the next week, there will be special Christmas Eve music featured tonight, the theme will be punk Christmas carols, The Vandals, confusion concerning a TVTV$ song, Emmanuel starts a Yule log fire in the studio, memories of the Yule log on television, Emmanuel defends his actions, an alarm goes off, The Ramones, making a phone call to Kyle, preparing for the Chaos Communication Congress, railing against smoke detectors, Kyle's plans for the conference, Edward Snowden declares his mission accomplished, Glenn Greenwald will be a keynote speaker at CCC, looking forward to next year, Kyle's experience making eggnog from scratch, another alarm sounds, Emmanuel explains why the fire in the studio isn't dangerous, the prospect of Seattle and Denver going to the Super Bowl, how the two best teams are from the two states that have passed marijuana reform, trying to figure out a clever name for the game should it take place, Bad Religion, a song for Emmanuel, settling on Cannabis Bowl as the name for a Seattle/Denver Super Bowl, El Vez, Kyle is playing the musical intermission theme for CCC, Kyle explains how people can watch CCC talks online, following the instructions using the station's browser, The Dickies. Download It Now! December 24 ![]()
- 12 / 31 / 13 - It's New Year's Eve, Emmanuel bemoans the loss of a local FM station to conservative talk, wondering why left wing radio isn't more prevalent, the theory that people like to panic, why the left wing stands in the way of progress more than the right wing, the significant changes that have taken place in recent years, memories of previous New Year's celebrations, lessons learned from the Nelson Mandela memorial, apologies for the events of last week's show, opening some champagne, an update on New York's gun law, debating the issue of gun control, comparing statistics from various countries, a call from an old listener, the advantage of spending New Year's at home, optimistic thoughts for the new year. Download It Now! December 31 ![]()
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