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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 07 / 01 / 14 - Kyle gets Emmanuel to turn off the car radio while riding in a car towards New York City, this show was recorded in August 2013, slowly getting back to normal after returning from Europe, what it was like entering the United States while still in Ireland, bringing the story back to Liverpool, recounting the unusual train ride from London, having to climb lots of stairs repeatedly in Liverpool, Kyle and Emmanuel are on their way to get pickles in Manhattan, what a Liverpool pickleback was like, the evolution of the pickleback, checking out the new programming on WBAI, recounting the long walk to the Northern Ireland ferry in Liverpool, Kyle describes the procedure involved in boarding this ferry, passing a truck with a familiar name on the Long Island Expressway, shopping in a Paris supermarket after hours, getting all confused with the timeline once again. Download It Now! July 1 ![]()
- 07 / 08 / 14 - Resuming the narrative from Kyle and Emmanuel's car ride into New York City from August 2013, the advantage of putting things on wheels, why the hacker calendars are important, the right way to drop a bag, the apparent lack of security in hotel rooms, trying to fix the timeline, stuck on the Long Island Expressway, the trucker lounge on the ferry, exploring the boat, Kyle describes the various games kids were playing on the ferry, an update on the traffic situation, what it was like to sleep on the boat, anticipating a catastrophe, why having a listener show Kyle and Emmanuel around Belfast made such a huge difference, the "troubles" of Northern Ireland, first impressions of the country, dispelling myths, seeing Belfast from the top of a mountain, a smartphone app that can identify airplanes in the sky, Emmanuel gets stuck in the middle of an intersection in Manhattan, racing to Dublin from Belfast after the Bradley Manning sentencing to see a demonstration outside the U.S. embassy, deceptive pricing revealed while renting a car in Dublin, arrival at the pickle place in Manhattan. Download It Now! July 8 ![]()
- 07 / 15 / 14 - A visit to Northern Ireland in a show taped in August 2013, the Bombay Street memorial in Belfast as explained by Sean Murray, what happened here in 1969, some local IRA history, the wall that divides the two sides, there was always an invisible boundary, what happened after the partition in 1921, the commitment to peace in the current age, the Gibraltar connection, the documentary that Sean made, why talking to your enemy is important, the peace process started only feet away from where the fighting started, how to get Sean's film, a different Sean gives a driving tour of the Catholic and Protestant parts of Belfast, how people have lost their lives on these streets, the Bobby Sands memorial, some history of the hunger strikes, a guide to some of the murals on display in the street, the black taxis of Belfast, various tales of injustice, passing security gates into the Protestant section, the difference between the murals on each side, the sudden prevalence of British flags, this is no longer Ireland, how Sean would have trouble if he even said his name in this area, the other side of the wall, the throwing of petrol bombs and rocks over the wall is a regular occurrence, the surprising absence of CCTV, how 9/11 had an effect on the peace process, a Catholic bus stop in a Protestant area, subtle differences between the two sides, Emmanuel's overall impressions of Belfast. Download It Now! July 15 ![]()
- 07 / 22 / 14 - Some Northern Ireland radio recorded in August 2013, visiting WUSB's Mary Anne Devine on the west coast of Ireland, a low flying hang glider, an offshore emergency drill just took place, watching the hang glider, Mary Anne describes what a burren is, Kyle is filming, comments with strangers on the nice weather, walking to the shoreline, trying to hear the waves over the wind, what it was like to drive all the way across the country to meet Mary Anne, the narrow roads, Mary Anne describes how it's not so bad driving in Ireland, getting used to driving in different ways, the beach is called Fanore Beach, some words from Kyle, Irish music. Download It Now! July 22 ![]()
- 07 / 29 / 14 - Kyle and Emmanuel are in Reykjavik, describing the scenery, the show is actually coming from Stony Brook live for the first time in quite a while, what has been going on with the conference over the past few months, finishing the story from Ireland that's been in progress over the past few shows from last year, meeting Emmanuel's distant cousins in Limerick, how a stranger in a bar seemed to know everything about the roots of Irish names, the last night in an amazing place near Dublin, what is involved in correctly pouring a Guinness, what it was like to go through American customs while still in Ireland, the dramatic increase in network speed at this year's HOPE conference, more thoughts on the conference, how the world seems to have gone steeply downhill in the recent past, the aftermath of a plane crash in Ukraine, the lack of accountability on the part of the pro-Russian rebels, memories of the contrast between the two opposing sides at demonstrations in Kiev, Kyle tries to come up with an analogy, a roundup of what's been going on in Gaza, why Israel's response is unacceptable, Emmanuel asks Kyle for answers, trying to start a related meme, word of an upcoming demonstration, trying to understand the tactics of Hamas. Download It Now! July 29 ![]()
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