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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 03 / 03 / 15 - There's yet more snow, the hub of activity at Stony Brook, the importance of scientific logic in dealing with world issues, thoughts on the recent "Cosmos" series, over 70 percent of Germany's energy is now renewable, theories on why it's so much harder for us to reach this stage, the Sixth Round Proper of the FA Cup is coming up, the complexity of all of the competitions currently taking place, Jim Mathews from the National Association of Railroad Passengers joins the discussion, what the organization is all about, why there doesn't have to be a car versus train mentality, how to get people excited over the prospect of high speed rail, what there is to feel hopeful about, what the upcoming vote in Congress is all about, how to contact elected representatives, the magic of cross country train travel, some commuter rail statistics, ways that things could be done better, the move to electrify trains in the region, wondering how it could cost $20 million a mile to electrify an existing track, the smallest focus camera ever, Kyle explains how cameras are now components, a hint of something coming soon. Download It Now! March 3 ![]()
- 03 / 10 / 15 - Problems with the introductions, testing the phones, why watching C-SPAN can be extremely interesting, experiences going to various hearings, wondering about hearings in other countries, the ability one day to tune into local hearings from anywhere, the Classic Arts Showcase channel, the story of Al Jazeera English, some of the weird channels found while traveling overseas, the hatred found on some media outlets and on comment boards, the shortsightedness of the left wing, the threat of another Bush and the cost of the last one, major problems with the phone cause massive confusion, all of the calls are going to the wrong place, the frustration of not being able to silence the ringer, the appearance of Daylight Savings Time, Emmanuel tries to explain how this helps melt the snow faster, running out of things to say, an FA Cup update, Aston Villa is now the team being followed. Download It Now! March 10 ![]()
- 03 / 17 / 15 - It's St. Patrick's Day, experimenting with professionalism, Kyle and Emmanuel calculate the number of Irish things they're doing today, a tour of the board, Emmanuel explains why he dislikes the Digicart at the station, defining legal and image IDs, Kyle finds some old carts, the problem with DVD and cable remotes, why newer things aren't always better than older things, why competition is important, the disadvantages of FIOS, why vinyl can be better than CDs, the future of Apple Watches, Emmanuel comes up with a new slogan for the station, dissecting Emmanuel's attempt at humor last week, the bizarre series of events that led to last week's misfortunes, how the university bureaucracy is hurting the station, a stuck six key on the phone, a caller has advice for achieving happiness, updates on the Dayton Hamvention and the Vintage Computer Festival, discussion on the squirrel in the ceiling, what is great about radio, speaking over delay. Download It Now! March 17 ![]()
- 03 / 24 / 15 - It's officially spring, a special premium is being offered tonight, the pledge forms have been redone, Kyle reads the new categories, what the money raised is being used for, Kyle puts Emmanuel in stereo, comments on the Kevin Mitnick book being offered tonight, Emmanuel forgets to record the show, a story involving county phones being modified to dial 911 internally for a cost of $165,000, some facts about Fort Salonga, an upcoming promotion with Whole Foods, where a Free Kevin sticker can still be seen, an incredible story of people who were locked inside their car in New Zealand. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! March 24 ![]()
- 03 / 31 / 15 - Kyle decides to go by the name Pee Wee, details on tomorrow's promotion at the Whole Foods in Lake Grove, balancing the good and the bad at the station, there's a lacrosse game coming up tonight, this is an abbreviated show, why lacrosse is scary, dispelling a Justin Bieber rumor, the aftermath of a plane crash in Europe that was a deliberate act by one of the pilots, last year had the lowest amount of aircraft crashes in history, theorizing on ways that this crash could have been prevented, how everybody can have a breakdown, ways people can help, a building explodes in the East Village in Manhattan, missing pets, how the landlord appears to be to blame, anti-gay measures advance in Indiana and Arkansas, how the governor of Indiana has backed himself into a corner, the new host for "The Daily Show" is announced and has already caused controversy, why people need to lighten up, "Vice" will be getting a daily news show, pledges can be taken after the program. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! March 31 ![]()
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