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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 06 / 02 / 15 - The show is heavily scripted, Kyle will be in Seattle next week, an adventure is upcoming that will involve Alaska and Canada, battling bland and boring, the fun things about variety, the FA Cup is over and Aston Villa has lost, Southampton qualifies for the next Europa League as a result, the irony of Americans being behind the raid on FIFA, thoughts on watching the developing Iraq War as part of the VHS archiving project, the significance of what Rand Paul did in battling the renewal of the Patriot Act, updates on the university and the station, more on horseshoe crabs, Emmanuel demonstrates how long a period of time horseshoe crabs have been around, there's a new ferry from Port Jefferson to New York City, the delay machine fails again, attempting to diagnose the problem. Download It Now! June 2 ![]()
- 06 / 09 / 15 - Unsuccessful attempts to fix the delay machine, Kyle is in Seattle, Emmanuel's tale of an automatron at a local drug store, the fun of health insurance, loyalty cards, another unfortunate incident involving police, analysis of what happened in the Texas city of McKinney, analyzing a commentary piece that's critical of the kids at a pool party, examples of generalizations, why cops need to be in control in such situations, how gated spaces perpetuate racial tension, a sampling of comments from Newsday, other disturbing news from McKinney. Download It Now! June 9 ![]()
- 06 / 16 / 15 - The delay machine is working again so calls can be taken later, Donald Trump announces his candidacy in the 2016 election and quickly makes a stupid remark, how Obama gets it from all ends, the problem with not showing support for steps in the right direction, a breaking news story in Dallas fails to make it to any of the news networks during the overnight hours, how the story was instead covered on Twitter, CNN's misuse of the word "live," how the perpetrator of the shootout in Dallas was portrayed by the media, failure of the story to chart on Google News, blaming liberals again, how this story would have been treated differently if the culprit wasn't white, a racial attack in Pittsburgh gets little press attention, arrest warrants are issued for attendees at a graduation ceremony in Mississippi who cheered too loudly, what white privilege is all about, a challenge to refute this, an NAACP leader is found to be lying about her race, a scientist pays a heavy price for sexist remarks, why it's wrong to be so unforgiving, a Phoenix rally outside a mosque proves to be disturbing, what's different between this form of protest and what Charlie Hebdo did, the Europa League begins in less than a month, the concept of showing appreciation for differing religions and views, the importance of listening to criticism, Kyle and Emmanuel will be heading to Alaska soon, what will be on next week. Download It Now! June 16 ![]()
- 06 / 23 / 15 - A program recorded at New Year's in Hamburg, loud explosions all around, memories of European New Year's celebrations past, it's not close to midnight yet, Kyle and Emmanuel try to figure out which train to take back to where they're staying, an impromptu street party, waiting on a very crowded underground platform, an interaction with total strangers, Kyle notices a contradiction in a "no drinking" sign, getting onto a crowded train, how the culture here is so different regarding fireworks, what it was like to visit Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, how the Nazi regime was portrayed in a display, the existence of an airport at Wunderland, making a transfer, trying to figure out an extremely complicated chart at a station, Kyle has become obsessed with fire sprinklers, how this interest has developed over the years, the different kinds of sprinklers, walking past an old prison with an interesting history after emerging from underground, theorizing on how fire sprinklers are triggered, jumping ahead to the New Year's party at a local hackerspace, the countdown begins, opening champagne, fireworks with strange noises, Bobson from Bulgaria is on hand, describing the scene of fireworks and smoke, the lack of police presence, comparing this to Berlin, McFly describes the German scene on New Year's, confusion as to which show this is, a promise to light fireworks live for the New Year's edition of "Off The Hook." Download It Now! June 23 ![]()
- 06 / 30 / 15 - A show recorded in Magdeburg while Emmanuel was sick, discussing the limiting of data plans, Emmanuel has the "Congress Flu," how Kyle and Emmanuel wound up in Magdeburg, why renting a car was a good idea, describing the scene, the computer in the car goes ballistic when it connects with Emmanuel's phone, descriptions of the town and what's unique about it, how cars and trains are both popular in Germany, an example of a German joke, Kyle gets an authentic "gesundheit," a trip to the port of Hamburg, how Google Maps made certain trips much longer than they needed to be, pedestrians tend to yield to cars in this town, the behavior of dogs in Germany, how people are treated like adults here, getting a decent parking space, the many ways you can park a car in Germany, letters on license plates and what they mean, Kyle narrowly misses parking illegally, what it was like preparing to see a movie in town later, German radio. Download It Now! June 30 ![]()
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