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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 10 / 06 / 15 - Kyle introduces lyrics to the theme music, Emmanuel wonders what specific kind of idiot would wait days on line for a Chick-fil-A to open, trying to figure out how many free meals were being given away, the prospect of protesters, the space station will be visible 16 minutes after tonight's show, what it looks like in the sky, a skydiving property out east is being used for high altitude Internet service, the ABC Family network is changing its name yet again, the story of WNTI which has locked its staff out after transferring control of the noncommercial radio station, an update on the Europa League, perspective on last week's Oregon campus shooting massacre, the futility of trying to label people as mentally ill, how mass shootings weren't a thing of the past even though kids played with toy guns more, the story of an 11-year-old shooting another kid in Tennessee, examples of delusional behavior, how other countries have dealt with this problem, Emmanuel's unorthodox idea for getting guns off the street, examples of lack of compassion from gun advocates, the Archie Bunker view, another smooth transition, the rights of guns, Kyle now has a pipe wrench. Download It Now! October 6 ![]()
- 10 / 13 / 15 - An example of a horrible noise, looking forward to tonight's Mets game, memories of the last time the Mets blew it, the Democratic debates are also tonight, trying to name all five candidates, wondering why people say Hillary instead of Clinton, thinking of questions to ask the candidates, checking out a new solar farm in Shoreham, Kyle describes what remains of the Shoreham nuclear power plant, Emmanuel remembers a massive antinuclear demonstration that took place in his early college days, the issue of nuclear waste, the story of a mysterious star, a correction on Bernie Sanders, wondering why wind turbines can't exist on solar farms, the fundraiser begins next week, word of a nuclear reactor at Brookhaven National Labs, interesting news on some qualifying countries for Euro 2016. Download It Now! October 13 ![]()
- 10 / 20 / 15 - Some banter before the microphones are turned on, Radiothon has begun, some thoughts on yesterday's Canadian election, some thoughts on last week's Democratic debate, the prospect of Joe Biden entering the race, Emmanuel mistakenly believes the election campaign is almost over, the Canadian campaign only lasted 78 days and was the longest on record, an update on the Europa League, another chance to see the space station tonight, it's very warm in the control room today, questioning the use of the phrase "union free" in the name of a local school district, a story of some local kids who broke into a school's computer system, feeling the effects of the heat, analysis of a move to run background checks at gun shows, trying to figure out why an inanimate object is defended with such passion, the reaction by the gun lobby to someone who decided to give up his guns, turning the fan on to remain conscious, there's been no activity at all in the tally room, a song about car bombs. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! October 20 ![]()
- 10 / 27 / 15 - A demonstration of why it's a bad idea to touch anything in the studio, the World Series begins tonight, analyzing baseball, the first post-9/11 Mets World Series ever, an update on the Europa League, a massive drug store merger is in the works, a call for pledges even though nobody is able to take calls, news involving the former Kings Park Psychiatric Center and Halloween, memories of other mental institutions in the area, what could be done with such places, Kyle and Emmanuel take a trip to Washington DC to see the Hillary Clinton hearing on Benghazi, what it was like to take overnight trains to Washington DC, the scaffolding that surrounds the Capitol building, what it was like getting into the building, the experience of waiting on line inside, thoughts on C-SPAN, comparing them to NASA TV, how surprising it was to be treated like adults at the hearing, why Elijah Cummings was the highlight, how such things are within everyone's reach, a plea for donations. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! October 27 ![]()
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