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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 04 / 04 / 17 - Trying to do a smooth intro, reports say that Trump is more unpopular than Obama ever was, trying not to be overdramatic, the "nuclear option" in Congress, collusion among elected officials in covering up Trump's tax returns, encouraging people to take an interest in how government is run, Emmanuel takes issue with CNN's countdown clock, trying to figure out financial channels, where the street view studio came from, some thoughts on broadcast bugs, encouraging listeners to pledge, extending last week's offer due to last week's phone malfunction, Kyle outlines the promises of the rejuvenated radio station in the years ahead, Kyle has been fixing old turntables at the station, the confusion of watching "Homeland" and "24" consecutively, Emmanuel has very specific problems with "24," "airbrushing faith" in the United Kingdom, Emmanuel defends Cadbury and asks some questions about Easter, the sound of a boring machine named "Bertha" in Seattle which reached a milestone today, some Seattle history that explains the name Bertha, there is a new Kosciuszko Bridge being built in New York. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! April 4 ![]()
- 04 / 11 / 17 - Why supporting the radio station is the most important thing to do right now, the station is 40 years old, a pivotal quarterfinal match of the Champtions League is coming up, an attack on one of the teams playing in the Europa League, Trump bombs Syria, asking some questions about the alleged poison gas attack in Syria, a surprising remark from Sean Spicer regarding Nazis, going into delay in the new studio, Steve Bannon was kicked off the National Security Council this week, how Rebekah Mercer persuaded him not to quit entirely, the connection to a local hedge fund, pondering all of the local connections, a listener encourages Kyle and Emmanuel to do more travel shows, a description of a cooking show in Nunavut hosted by Rebecca Veevee, the story of a man violently ejected from a United Airlines flight, how the media is attacking the victim, the general unpleasantness of flying. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! April 11 ![]()
- 04 / 18 / 17 - An example of North Korean enthusiasm, studying their method of speech, the perfection in last Saturday's parade in Pyongyang, trying to explain the action as Kyle and Emmanuel watch the parade, how this demonstrates that North Korea is a country of dancers, Emmanuel claims to know more about North Korea than Donald Trump, how Trump is making a disturbing situation much worse, trying to determine what North Koreans really want, comparing foreign adventurism, why reunification isn't something South Korea wants, a disturbing election result in Turkey and Trump's disturbing reaction to it, why it's important for Trump to act presidential, the importance of supporting the station, some advice for speaking with adversaries. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! April 18 ![]()
- 04 / 25 / 17 - The entire theme plays out, figuring out how many shows there have been since Trump took power, remembering the Trump machine, new hostilities with Canada, Emmanuel describes his dream involving a Trump speech video game, the new risk of antagonizing North Korea, analyzing a recent threat, why Trump may throw off the balance in this relationship, how best to engage them, why Emmanuel isn't good in bar fights, it's the 85th anniversary of the founding of the North Korean military, comparing Chinese and North Korean cigarettes, the advantages of being friendly with North Koreans, Atletico Madrid is the team being followed now in the Champions League, a controversial talk at Berkeley leads to riots, how to deal with controversial speech, why controversial speakers should be a part of college, a train robbery in the west, a hijack plot turns out to be an attempt to not be caught in an affair. Download It Now! April 25 ![]()
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