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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 01 / 17 - Live audio of a freight train in Virginia, commenting on some of the things seen on the train, an Amtrak train also passes by, Kyle and Emmanuel are planning another Amtrak trip, thoughts about infrastructure, the prospect of true high-speed rail, encouraging listeners to take cross country train trips, describing the contents of another passing freight train, the possibility of getting a private rail car, Trump makes controversial remarks while in Suffolk County last week, how this reflects poorly on the police, the short reign of Scaramucci, a disturbing pattern of having generals in positions of power, how North Korea is being pushed into a conflict by Trump, nuclear power plants in South Carolina are canceled, Kyle and Emmanuel want to see the total solar eclipse later in the month, the story of a crippled rail line in northern Canada, the special challenges that residents in that part of the country face. Download It Now! August 1 ![]()
- 08 / 08 / 17 - Kyle and Emmanuel are in Iceland in a show taped in June, waiting for the Strokkur geyser to go off, anticipating hot water, this geyser goes off fairly frequently, going closer to the geyser, the advantages of renting a car in Iceland, a very strange set of coincidences involving strangers in Reykjavik, why it might be better to come back in the winter, the crowded sensation one gets in Iceland, one final blast, visiting the massive Gullfoss waterfall in another part of Iceland, what's unique about this particular waterfall, spotting rainbows, the uniqueness of Icelandic horses, the timelessness of waterfalls, Iceland is completely green, recounting the story of Kyle's lost hat in Iceland, Icelandic radio. Download It Now! August 8 ![]()
- 08 / 15 / 17 - Kyle and Emmanuel are at a different waterfall in Iceland, how it's possible to actually stand behind this one, what's involved in getting to and from this point, colliding with tourists, driving the rental car back after exploring various parts of Iceland, another trip to the southern part of Iceland, a description of what happened after the last recording at the waterfall, Emmanuel's difficulty in taking a picture, a place called Hella, a long walk to the ocean, discovering a crashed airplane, Icelandic radio. Download It Now! August 15 ![]()
- 08 / 22 / 17 - Kyle and Emmanuel are driving in Louisiana on their way north to see the eclipse, summing up their trip so far, thoughts on some of the mass transit systems seen on their cross country trip so far along with the technology used for passes, crossing into Mississippi, thoughts on Jack London Square in Oakland, the old streetcars of San Francisco, how Kyle and Emmanuel managed to unintentionally avoid paying for riding the cable car, an apparent Prada outlet in the middle of the Texas desert seen from the train, the advantage of using shell-based email, what it was like to pass close to the Mexican border on the train, addressing the events of Charlottesville, the reactions Kyle and Emmanuel have witnessed throughout the country, Trump's unbelievable response to the white nationalist rally, a thunderstorm looms ahead, transferring from Saturday to Monday, the eclipse has begun, Kyle and Emmanuel are in a small town in Tennessee called Goodlettsville, the challenge of finding eclipse glasses, staying up all night, the sun is less than a quarter obscured, describing the scene where Kyle and Emmanuel are stationed, checking in a half hour later, how things look now, the way wildlife is reacting, when the next eclipse will occur, Emmanuel's positive feelings about the south, checking in as totality begins, the weirdness of the scene as it gets darker, fighting the temptation of looking directly at the sun before totality is complete, looking up as the sun disappears, trying to describe the incredible scene of totality, light returns quickly to the area, planes are in the air, thanks to listeners who invited Kyle and Emmanuel to see the eclipse from their parts of the country, awe at the ability to calculate the exact time of eclipses, the difference between an annular eclipse and a total eclipse, an especially appropriate song. Download It Now! August 22 ![]()
- 08 / 29 / 17 - A celebration of New Orleans, getting used to the massive new main studio, Kyle and Emmanuel recount experiences on their recent train trip across the country, a recording of a severe thunderstorm encountered while driving in Mississippi, listening to local radio, the experience of staying up all night in the Nashville area to see the eclipse, the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, the idiocy of ignoring climate change, why it's important to strike back at fascists, the myths of Antifa, the significance of the reactions, the injustice of cops shooting at demonstrators, why cops aren't the enemy, thoughts on the "Detroit" movie, how this portrayed the systemic evil in the police system, the positive things that are happening in the resistance movement, coming to terms with the realization that those now in charge aren't nice people. Download It Now! August 29 ![]()
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