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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 06 / 24 - Kyle and Emmanuel are in Moynihan Train Hall in New York City waiting for a train, a new adventure involving shipping 200 pounds of cargo, why it was necessary to gather intelligence a day earlier before doing this, taking a different branch of the Long Island Railroad into the city, getting along without a car, the sound of the crowd downstairs, Kyle's thoughts on new forms of energy and corporate influence, the use of fossil fuels, Kamala Harris will have announced her vice presidential pick by the time this airs, why Emmanuel wants Mark Kelly to be the choice, some other possibilities, a disastrous appearance by Trump in front of black journalists, a method of saving money on train fares with Amtrak, the relaxing atmosphere of train travel, it's a few hours later as the train leaves Albany after merging with the train from Boston, assuming the baggage is also on board, riots in England brought on by the far right, the misinformation that's being used to fuel the hatred, how this sort of thing is a problem all over the world, the cafe car is now open, Israel assassinates the Hamas representative who was negotiating a ceasefire, the stupidity and callousness of Netanyahu, why it's necessary to not cooperate with people like this, the next stop is Utica, amazement at Kamala Harris's pick for vice president. Download It Now! August 6 ![]()
- 08 / 13 / 24 - Kyle and Emmanuel are inside a hotel mall in Las Vegas, the incredibly inflated prices here, how the Defcon hacker gathering seems to be the only sane part of this town, the throbbing music that's constantly inside this mall, the depressed voice of the elevator in the hotel, wondering what attracts people to this specific spot, why the Sphere is cool, a party you can never find, the incredible amount of time it takes for pedestrians to get around, a warning issued to hotel guests about a hacker convention in town, Kyle and Emmanuel leave the hotel on their way to Defcon, Emmanuel reacts to the heat levels outside the hotel, the music is still playing outdoors somehow, how even crossing the street can be an ordeal, aborting the conversation, the ease of not surrendering to temptation, bypassing parking fees, resuming the conversation on I-15 heading west towards Los Angeles, the decent dining options in Las Vegas, the challenge of finding free parking, what it took to get bags from the car to the hotel, Emmanuel describes the ordeal of cutting through a casino to find the right hotel, the challenge of using the monorail in Las Vegas, comparing what you get for the price, the vastness of the MGM complex, ideas for better transit options in the city, how the Deuce bus actually worked, the level of frustration Kyle and Emmanuel experienced in Las Vegas, Emmanuel seems to be over alpha-gal syndrome after conducting a test with a pastrami sandwich, Kyle describes what it was like to go to a dispensary and cannabis lounge in Las Vegas, learning about interesting DJ technology, the threat of casino culture taking root in New York, meeting all sorts of people at the conference, what was good about its location, Kyle and Emmanuel haven't made any specific plans beyond this point, an update on the train journey to get out here, one of the packages being shipped was lost by Amtrak, high marks for Amtrak people despite this, interactions with Mennonite travelers on the train from Chicago, some of the things Kyle and Emmanuel learned about their culture and attitudes toward technology, a variety in their fashion, the contrast in a single train car between Mennonites and non-Mennonites, the differences between them and Amish people, what Mennonites do for fun, where some were traveling, getting the most out of the experience when traveling, uncertainty over what's next. Download It Now! August 13 ![]()
- 08 / 20 / 24 - Kyle and Emmanuel are now in Seattle after having driven up the west coast, the first half of the program will be recorded before the Democratic National Convention begins and the second half will be recorded after the first day, reading text from some lamp posts in Seattle, why free speech is important to protect, taking issue with some of the sentiments, the importance of distinguishing the lesser of two evils, how Trump is pledging to send federal troops into cities without permission, how the pro-Palestinian movement at Stony Brook is shaping up for the new semester, how the spring's protests were mischaracterized by the university and the media, a lost opportunity for unity, words from Stony Brook's new president, how Israel continues to get away with killing innocent civilians by saying they were targeting terrorists, why many remarks are not necessarily anti-Semitic, looking for specific evidence of this, referring to Israeli settlers as "illegals," what can be expected at the Democratic National Convention this week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman pushes a law banning masks in order to target pro-Palestinian protesters, the danger of such laws, fast forwarding a day to Monday evening, how Donald Trump seems to have lost his way, thought's on Biden's speech, how the Republican National Convention seemed to be focused more on hatred and fear, how the Democratic National Convention felt like fun, the Mill Pond in Stony Brook has been destroyed following a major storm, why Representative Nick LaLota's concern is hypocritical in light of his lack of action regarding climate change, Kyle's call to action and warning for the future, encouraging people to go to Chicago. Download It Now! August 20 ![]()
- 08 / 27 / 24 - Catching Kyle and Emmanuel in the middle of a heated discussion about the future of the show's theme, a rundown of their travel over the past few weeks, driving through an auto show at night in Monterey, wondering why there are so many independent donut shops in Los Angeles, difficulty with Waze in California, some changes in highways in Seattle, how Long Island needs more bike infrastructure while Seattle needs more mass transit, how taking a plane back from Seattle resulted in chaos, the unique Alaska Airlines tie-in, the story of a captain and the smell of fish, how the airline avoided compensating passengers, the fake Twitter IDs that responded to Emmanuel's complaints, how the whole saga ended, the freak storm that hit the area while Kyle and Emmanuel were away, rainfall that happens once in a thousand years, how Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine is a Republican who understands the threat of climate change, a rundown of the effects the storm had in the local area, a particularly harrowing tale at the Smithtown Public Library, Representative Nick LaLota attacks opponent John Avlon again, the extra hypocrisy of this, what the SALT deduction controversy is all about and how Trump is responsible for it, how LaLota doesn't live in the district while Avlon does, an update on Nassau County's mask ban, there has already been an arrest due to this new law, a problem with the way this ban is being fought, a crackdown on unauthorized cannabis shops, the lack of authorized outlets in Brookhaven Town, a rundown of some of the strict regulations that make it practically impossible to open a licensed dispensary in Brookhaven, Councilman Jonathan Kornreich expresses doubt in loosening these restrictions or making any exceptions, picking apart his logic, some generalizations about pot smokers, a call for Kornreich to visit a dispensary to see what it's really like, Kyle's perspective on all of this, a call to help influence change, nest week will be September. Download It Now! August 27 ![]()
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