For the entire month of April, we will be donating ten percent of the amount brought in from HOPE ticket sales to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
For nearly 25 years, the EFF has been involved in an ongoing battle to preserve and protect online rights like no other organization. They were there to help us when we were sued by the MPAA back in 2000 in the very first Digital Millennium Copyright Act case and they have been involved in nearly every significant online rights issue since 1990. The EFF has been such a crucial voice in the many battles waged in the courts, on the net, and in the streets - and we need to ensure that they stick around for a long time and that our support is more than just vocal.
That is why we're doing this. Many of us have been engaged in these challenges for a long time while others are new to the scene. It's essential that we support each other's efforts and make use of the power our numbers can give us. Through this summer's HOPE conference, we can help make this happen. At HOPE X, there will be a number of talks and presentations given by EFF staff, in addition to a record-setting number of really interesting speakers from around the world. (We will be announcing one of our keynote speakers later this week, so please keep watching for that.)
Again, for every ticket sold this month, we will donate 10 percent of the proceeds to the EFF. You can be part of a truly amazing conference and support one of the world's most important organizations, all at the same time.
HOPE X will take place July 18-20, 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.
Click here for tickets to HOPE.
Click here to get really cheap rooms at the hotel.
Click here to read the EFF story.