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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 01 / 14 - A small crew tonight, Rob and Emmanuel were at the inauguration for the new mayor of New York City today, Emmanuel describes what it was like to meet Bill de Blasio, the positive atmosphere of this event, how New York is making an historic change, Emmanuel tries to figure out how de Blasio could be the city's 109th mayor, the future of the controversial stop and frisk program, 9000 people showed up at the recently concluded Chaos Communication Congress, Mike and Mitch Altman join the conversation from Berlin, how "30c3" was a trending topic on Twitter, the somewhat confusing room layout, a summary of some of the events that were taking place, the ratio of volunteers to attendees, videos for The Next HOPE are now online, Mike describes some talk highlights from CCC, the tube system that was in place, how such a system could be implemented at HOPE, how people can get involved in HOPE projects, the idea that things will be getting better in the new year, HOPE preregistration opens on Monday, a fake security company was in place at the conference to "recruit" people, Kyle joins the conversation from Seattle, a talk on "hillbilly satellite tracking," what it was like to watch the talks remotely, some sabotage during the Julian Assange talk, Volume 3 of The Hacker Digest will be released tomorrow with information on the NSA and surveillance from a 1986 perspective, looking forward to 2014. Download It Now! January 1 ![]()
- 01 / 08 / 14 - Mike is on the phone after returning to New York from Berlin later than expected, no drama upon reentering the country, how to avoid hassles when traveling to the United States, Mike visits the Stasi Museum, assessing the phone situation, a scandal involving aides of the New Jersey governor emerges when emails are revealed, why public officials have incriminating content in emails that can easily become public, the NSA dodges a question by a senator on whether they're spying on Congress, the people responsible for an FBI burglary in 1971 reveal themselves, what was unveiled with the burglary, Bernie was following this story in fourth grade, common sense rules when pulling a heist, how this action was undertaken, the tie-in to Edward Snowden, the introduction of drone testing in New York State, the difficulty of agreeing with Rand Paul, the prospect of paying through blood, Emmanuel's problem with websites that don't proofread, TorrentFreak winds up being blocked on one of the U.K.'s largest ISPs because of the subject matter they write about, how 2600 also finds itself blocked in lots of places, suggestions on how to visit the States, a caller talks about metamorphosis, the Insane Clown Posse sues the FBI for defining their fans as a gang, trying to find a suitable song for the outro. Download It Now! January 8 ![]()
- 01 / 15 / 14 - Emmanuel is late because of subway issues, a ruling in a milestone case involving a challenge to the No Fly List, Mike explains the background behind the case and why the full order is sealed, how the defendant's daughter wasn't allowed into the country to fly to the trial even though she's a U.S. citizen, depressing news involving net neutrality, Bernie explains the basic ideas behind it, some possible ways that net neutrality can go forward, Emmanuel arrives and gives an alternate perspective to the news via the Wall Street Journal, Kyle joins the conversation as a plane flies over, Emmanuel explains why he's late, the lawsuit for Emmanuel's arrest at the Republican National Convention in 2004 has finally been settled, some excerpts of the press release from the NYCLU, recounting the events leading up to the massive arrests, who showed up at the press conference from the media and who didn't, the city has still not admitted any guilt, debating if this was a just victory, the importance of speaking up for such injustices, how cops blindly follow orders, the HOPE X conference has started taking bitcoins for preregistration, Kyle explains how this was put together, the need for more creative projects for HOPE X, new problems with the phone system, an outro dedicated to net neutrality. Download It Now! January 15 ![]()
- 01 / 22 / 14 - There are a bunch of HOPE-related announcements, the call for participation has gone out, the enthusiasm level for HOPE X seems to be much higher than for previous conferences, there is a brand new website online, Bernie gives an update on workshops at the conference, Emmanuel tries to figure out how all the numbers have aligned, the Segway tradition and how it developed, the idea of having Google Glass be an attraction as well, the exclusivity of the Google Glass invite list, a Google Glass user gets into trouble at a movie theater, questioning the massive and immediate law enforcement and MPAA response to this, how law enforcement manages to get people to stay even when they're free to leave, getting used to being recorded at all times, bitcoins are now being accepted at some establishments in Las Vegas, when the word is supposed to be capitalized, an ominous message is sent to protesters in Ukraine, how pirate cell phone towers work, updates on speaker and art submissions to HOPE X, a surprising update to a phone call last week, who Otis Pike was, a hacking expert is said to crack healthcare.gov and obtain access to 70,000 user profiles, questioning whether this person could be prosecuted for his actions, a lawsuit involving Apple and kids being able to incur charges through apps, ATMs running Windows XP will soon no longer get security updates, Starbucks has a security issue involving user information on an app, questions concerning AT&T, special hotel room rates have been announced for HOPE X. Download It Now! January 22 ![]()
- 01 / 29 / 14 - A "moment of silence" for Pete Seeger, Emmanuel's smartphone app directed him straight into traffic, Emmanuel's desire to see things fail, there's an outdoor hockey game tonight in sub-zero temperatures, the TorMail service is compromised by the feds, the NSA is getting information about people through the Angry Birds app, a look at the practice of wiping the data on personal phones by employers, the "bring your own device" culture, some feedback to last week's story on healthcare.gov, David Kennedy joins the discussion from Norway to explain what actually happened, how the whole healthcare.gov system is tied together, David explains why the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) sucks, how bad the situation is on other sites, how the media got the story wrong, David's involvement with DerbyCon in Kentucky, more on Google Glass, the prospect of dealing with recording devices that are too small to see, a caller questions the concern over being recorded, analyzing Emmanuel's name, a question about being forced to use FIOS. Download It Now! January 29 ![]()
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