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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 02 / 05 / 14 - The new program director of WBAI (Bob Hennelly) stops in to explain the theory behind the ongoing fundraiser, Bob explains how the show tends to be ahead of the headlines, what's different about this fundraiser, what wasn't working in the past, an NBC story spreads panic and misinformation about hackers and the Olympics in Sochi, GCHQ is found to have launched a denial of service attack against Anonymous chatrooms, Emmanuel's issue with denial of service attacks, coming up with code names, Edward Snowden is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, video of Guardian staff destroying computers at the behest of the GCHQ is released, why this was a fruitless action, the Chaos Computer Club files a lawsuit over government surveillance, analyzing the chances of success, an interesting address in Canada, Norwegian outrage at student tracking through ID cards, talk of radio beacons that will be used for both vehicles and pedestrians to prevent accidents, interesting places where people listen to the show, a listener recommends the Waze system for navigation, challenges with Bluetooth, Bill returns to help with the fundraiser, some drone stories. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! February 5 ![]()
- 02 / 12 / 14 - Bernie is missing, Emmanuel is addicted to the Flappy Bird game, the story behind the game which became wildly popular and is now no longer available, how phones with the game on it are being sold for huge amounts of money, other ways to cash in on this, the spread of malware in apps bearing the name of Flappy Bird, the show did relatively well last week, the new stress-free fundraising format, a call to use the BAI Buddy system, an invitation for listeners to call with reasons to pledge, discussion of the one that's dialed before the area code, attempting to call an operator, Senator Rand Paul announces a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration over surveillance, what's frustrating about this, more on the history of dialing procedures, a comment from a former government official indicates that drone strikes could take place within the United States, Bernie appears after being called away on an emergency, more on Flappy Bird, discussion concerning a poll that shows reluctance in accepting driverless cars, alternatives to having an antenna on the Empire State Building, a call from a listener to do more than simply inform. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! February 12 ![]()
- 02 / 26 / 14 - Yet more changes at WBAI that have caused another shift in policy, the show has done well over the past couple of weeks, the premium of leaked documents offered last year has raised $8000 for the station, this show won't include fundraising, how people can donate, some listener mail, a horror story involving a huge cell phone bill, trying to figure out how this could have happened, a conservative senator in Texas mis-tweets, analyzing the latest statement from spy chief James Clapper on surveillance, a recently announced license plate tracking system is canceled by the Department of Homeland Security, possible commercial uses of license plate readers, a Twitter user is shut down for posting frames of "Top Gun" one at a time, an example of the absurdity of copyright enforcement involving a HOPE talk that couldn't be posted on YouTube, more on the controversial Aereo service. Download It Now! February 26 ![]()
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