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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 09 / 04 / 19 - A plan by Trump to use Fitbit data to stop mass shootings, a new agency called HARPA, how various devices will be watching us to monitor for signs of mental distress, the many privacy issues this raises, the idea of a mental health database, the constant desire to upgrade and replace devices, the issue of region coding, the annoyance of Netflix cutting off end credits, a new feature from Altice that disables cable boxes with EAS alerts, hackers are demonized by the Department of Homeland Security, how bioterrorism data was left unprotected, the appropriate action to take when finding sensitive information, wondering how people could tell if Donald Trump's Twitter account was hacked, how to not take Twitter so seriously, what the penalty should be for hacking a Twitter account, how Jack Dorsey's Twitter account was likely hacked, the proper pronunciation of Spokane, a listener reports on an upcoming hacker-related event, listener thoughts on Brexit, the issue of mental health and gun control, there are 2600 meetings this week. Download It Now! September 4 ![]()
- 09 / 11 / 19 - Two Kennedy Airport AirTrains stall for unknown reasons, how automation makes such incidents more confusing, McDonald's takes steps to automate its drive-through windows, some of the privacy issues involved, issues of memory, an almost incomprehensible story about a hack involving Steam and gaming, ransomware strikes a school district on Long Island, how to avoid such attacks, revealing that insurance can cover ransomware, Alex details an investigation he's involved in that's tracking ransomware attacks on school districts, what Alex got in trouble for in high school, a story involving a school and pet sitters, how teaching people to set up an attack can help them avoid becoming a victim of one, some listener mail, the importance of archiving, how fascism is creeping into station policy, a misreading of IRS policy attempts to forbid criticizing Trump over WBAI airwaves, a steadfast refusal to abide by any such restriction, how continuing to believe in such imaginary regulations leads to less and less freedom, a station staffmember is suspended for airing a promo with the phrase "shut down Trump," how the IRS restrictions don't affect individuals expressing their opinions over the airwaves, "Trump Watch" has been canceled for unknown reasons, why it's important to challenge misguided policy and how this could get bigger, trying to figure out what's behind the apparent agenda to strike fear into people at the station. Download It Now! September 11 ![]()
- 09 / 18 / 19 - Kyle's credit card is being impersonated, nobody in the room has a Discover card, how some might be surprised that the show is on the air after last week's comments, Equifax reneges on a deal to compensate people for a data breach that affected 146 million Americans, challenging people to name the three credit agencies, how the Yahoo breach contributed to passwords being compromised, how using new domain names is a really stupid thing for compromised companies to do when addressing the issue, what victims are entitled to, the act of freezing your credit account and how it can help or hurt, what's behind threatening emails with identifying information that are being sent out, looking forward to social credit monitoring, the ongoing problem with Apple products, the frequency with which people replace their phones, the upcoming rollout of 5G, how Kyle has been able to avoid iPhones, what people do with their old phones, the issue of planned obsolescence, a call from an iPhone 4 on 3G, the future of that technology, memories of receiving distant television signals, concern over 5G, a new Negativland single. Download It Now! September 18 ![]()
- 09 / 25 / 19 - An historic day, what quid pro quo means, Alex explains what a chief compliance officer is, Kyle blows a Captain Crunch whistle, Alex describes what's involved in making a whistleblowing complaint in the federal government, analyzing what likely happened with the current whistleblowing complaint involving the president, how the transcript of a crucial phone call has made Trump look bad, Parliament has resumed in the United Kingdom after being suspended, why today is a good day for democracy, the NOFORN classification, how this particular whistleblower is being received, calling a whistleblower hotline on the air, what CrowdStrike is, the White House accidentally sends impeachment talking points to Democratic officials and then tries to recall them, Kyle has been reading the new Edward Snowden book, what Snowden was like as a child, how children are digitized now, debating whether Snowden is entitled to the profits from this book. Download It Now! September 25 ![]()
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