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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 02 / 07 - Apologies for some silence, how Emmanuel was kept from going away for the holidays this year, belief in fate and following a path, the strange way Emmanuel got sick, confusion as to what's been going on in the world, the death of Saddam Hussein, Emmanuel's observations on what's wrong with various things, demonstrating what's wrong with the university phone system, demonstrating what's wrong with the delay system, the weird weather affecting the entire country, the controversy surrounding the Saddam Hussein execution, Italy moves for a universal end to the death penalty, a list of countries that have capital punishment, a mob deals with a bully in Spain, problems with the Yahoo News discussion boards, American fatalities in Iraq reach 3000, why people continue to join the military, a case of heroism in New York City today and how military training made this possible, questioning the objective of invading Iraq, cops accused of murder in New Orleans are cheered by other cops, a vigil for Sean Bell, a new governor in New York, debating the merits of the death penalty, an appropriate closing song for New Year's. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 09 / 07 - An abbreviated show because of a basketball game, a call to help President Bush figure out how to solve the Iraq crisis, an analogy to the current situation, where the responsibility ultimately lies, examples of how New York City can be like a small town, the subway rescue of last week, another instance of Newsday readers lowering the bar of intelligence following the death of a kid on railroad tracks, Emmanuel's recollection of a similar event in his childhood, intolerance towards any transgressions, people who get their thrills from destroying the communities around them, the definition of censorship, the mysterious smell in New York City yesterday, what ethyl mercaptan is, an interruption from the sports people, a new Canadian TV show may cause controversy, the sports people wipe out a channel of the show, a caller has a brief theory about 9/11, Emmanuel is forced to put things in the studio back the way they were, dead soldiers are invited back to Iraq by the military, a quick subway story from a listener, the prospects of impeaching George W. Bush, Somalia is the latest country to be attacked by the United States, demonstrations against the continuing occupation of Iraq, Gerald Ford's legacy. Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 16 / 07 - Emmanuel is disgusted by the weather and how it doesn't seem to be affecting the local area at all, the many parts of the country affected by severe weather, an accident involving one of the station's CD players, the large number of recent cases of people getting lost, an incredible story from Missouri involving missing children, Emmanuel's suggestions on how to confirm that people are in the right places, "24" is back on the air, a dramatic development in the most recent episode, the danger of forgetting that the show is pure fantasy, some of the plot holes, the new Iraq plan is out, holding the administration accountable, potential military action against Iran, lawyers for detainees are attacked by a Pentagon representative, local parents fight back against military recruiters, some examples of the lies told to kids, a video game put on by the military to encourage joining up, how one staff sergeant was able to get out of the military, a controversy involving a pizza establishment in the United States that accepts pesos, a chewing gum commercial causes controversy by using the Chinese national anthem as background music, a discarded payphone on campus, plans for high fidelity "Brain Damage" episodes, a listener attended the recent Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, demographics in the hacker community, the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York is slated for demolition, a fundraiser on tomorrow's "Off The Hook." Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 23 / 07 - Emmanuel describes what it's like to get stuck behind an idiot, the parallel to the current state of affairs in the United States, the State of the Union address is coming up, what Bush's audience is likely not to do tonight, the lack of courage in Congress, why it's important to let Bush speak, the latest words from Hugo Chavez, an alliance between Venezuela and Iran, how the United States has managed to anger the Kurds, the names of the cops involved in the Sean Bell shooting are finally made public, a local story of a cop unknowingly shooting a suspect, mayors speak out against illegal firearms, an eagle is saved by a gun, a ruling against New York City in the ongoing RNC lawsuits, an 81-year-old man is visited by the Secret Service for writing a letter criticizing Bush policy, comparing Bush's actions to those of evil people, feedback to last week's comments on military recruiters, Emmanuel devises a unique method of answering a listener's comments, the amount of work accomplished in less than a week of the existence of the Hope Forums, yet more farfetched plots on "24." Download It Now! ![]()
- 01 / 30 / 07 - A death sentence in New York where there is no death penalty, a new plan for x-ray cameras in England, how riots in Greece are different than in the States, the sanctity of a Greek university campus, a massive party is planned by the city of Miami when Fidel Castro dies, the military tests a new "non-lethal" weapon that blasts heat at people, predictions for the use of such a weapon in the future, an unusual story of a man who escaped from prison and eluded authorities in five states, trouble hearing a country song, the story of Gernalow Wilson who was imprisoned in Georgia for having sex with someone two years younger, the United States refuses to remove a Canadian from a terrorist watch list, Canada apologizes to the man for its role in having him sent abroad and tortured, proof that the show changes people's minds, more on military recruiters in schools, the response and lack of response to Saturday's antiwar demonstration, ideas for making a more effective statement, the show won't be on next week due to the Reggaethon, a special edition of "Off The Hook" tomorrow. Download It Now!
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