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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 02 / 13 / 07 - Emmanuel bemoans the lack of winter's effects in the New York metropolitan region, hope for a winter event in the very near future, the fallout from the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" promotion in Boston, asking some pointed questions about the overreaction, things to panic about, the bizarre press conference that followed the Boston incident, dealing with the massive fundraising response at "Off The Hook" two weeks ago, problems obtaining a large amount of blank DVDs, a confusing Fedex delivery term, differences in attitude between Nassau County and Suffolk County, why Emmanuel should have been reported for buying so many blank DVDs, the Anna Nicole Smith story, a tape of the 911 call is released, wondering what certain famous people have actually done to get famous, two mass shootings on a single day, Barack Obama apologizes for saying soldiers' lives are being wasted in Iraq, the possibility of Iran helping the insurgents in Iraq, a report of a Smart car in Berkeley, a story of past Scientology presence in German schools, a chain letter holds memories of the past, Emmanuel's quest for a coconut Good Humor bar, growing up with a black and white TV set, a caller defines how Anna Nicole Smith differs from socialites, a call from an old "Brain Damage" listener who has tapes of the show, why "Brain Damage" will never return. Download It Now! ![]()
- 02 / 20 / 07 - Difficulty reading the news, 1500 troops will be returning to England from Iraq in the coming weeks, Emmanuel's satisfaction with recent winter events, how people in the area prepare for adverse weather, how people are nicer in Suffolk County, Emmanuel's act of kindness in New York City, how people get stuck in pointless arguments, Emmanuel checks in on his jury duty status, a story of a bus misadventure, misleading news reports on Iran, the importance of dialogue with Iran, a nosebleed causes an evacuation in France, a change in leadership in Turkmenistan, Emmanuel reacts to overly long names in foreign countries, Internet access in Turkmenistan, Iran accuses the United States of manufacturing a bomb used against them, a game played while watching "24," writers of "24" are encouraged to not use torture as much in future episodes, Emmanuel's predictions for future developments on the program, more memories of the past, prospects of more time for the show, the story of a "chaotic patriot," a caller discusses a weekly antiwar protest that occurs locally, updates on the RNC case. Download It Now! ![]()
- 02 / 27 / 07 - Reaction to a decline in the stock market, Emmanuel's predictions on what stocks will do in the days ahead, Emmanuel gets sick, the last time something like this happened, the wonders of the human body, Iran's latest statement regarding its nuclear program, how the Long Island Railroad helps to explain the situation, CD players in a church are blown up, a loud DVD causes a mistaken home invasion, how this situation should be dealt with, a funny quote concerning a recent kidnapping, a good idea from the post office, the death of Jim Ross, a clip from 1988 involving an adventure at Shea Stadium with Jim, a promo for Jim's "Backporch Bluegrass" show, more memories of Jim, clarification on 911 calls, a caller has "lockdown" experience, an update on Emmanuel's jury service, facts about Canada, Emmanuel has the headlights replaced on his Smart car, some of the positive technological advances made in the last 20 years, a bluegrass version of a song in honor of Jim Ross. Download It Now!
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