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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 08 / 07 / 12 - Emmanuel creates a Tinyurl to go to the JPL video on the Curiosity mission, what it was like watching NASA TV as Curiosity landed, the frustration of dealing with people who think space exploration is a waste of money, some numbers to compare, misplaced idealism, how money is truly wasted, a text message from Kyle, calling Seattle, an ice cream truck passes by, Kyle's perspective on the space program, Kyle will be heading to ToorCamp tomorrow, the plan to shoot a laser into the sky, how a hackerspace corrected FAA calculations, a NASA scientist publishes a study that says global warming is a reality, Emmanuel takes issue with an opinion piece supporting the decision of Olympic badminton teams to lose matches, negativity towards the Olympics, NBC's lousy coverage, a New York Times photographer is arrested in the Bronx for taking photos of an arrest, the disturbing behavior of the NYPD, there is yet another mass shooting in the United States, the same type of gun keeps showing up in these instances, questioning the need for such weapons, defining terrorism, the "new" national anthem. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 14 / 12 - Emmanuel is distracted browsing the web, the hurdles involved in getting an asthma medication refill, suspicions that the whole thing is a big scam, trouble at the pharmacy, the troubling tone of a warning sheet, trying to avoid going down this road, similar situations in the past, the overmedication of our society, considering alternatives to drugs, Paul Ryan is announced as the vice-presidential candidate of Mitt Romney, another shooting in Texas, a shooting in Manhattan involving the police in Times Square, casting doubt on the need for so much force, reading responses to the story from the Daily News, listener response to the gun controversy, issues of terminology, questioning the need for hunters to have rapid fire guns, the wisdom of a ban on machine guns, the theme of going for the easy options, wondering what would have happened had humans evolved in the sea, thinking of creative solutions. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 21 / 12 - Emmanuel has an adventure in the local Petco when a crucial computer goes down, how megachains have driven local stores out of business, the extremely low tech solution to the computer problem, the theme repeats, the advantage of having prices on the actual items in a store, the disadvantages of being curious, the incredible story of Congressman Todd Akin and his controversial comments on rape, why Emmanuel wants Akin to stay in the race, the annoyance of websites that play audio and video without asking, surprise at the existence of the Mike Huckabee Show, how station staff people always seem to leave their Gmail accounts logged in, a look at some highlights of the just released Beloit Mindset List, the Julian Assange saga continues as asylum is granted at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, the Swedish definition of rape, the disproportionate response that the London police are paying to a bail offender, comparing this case to the 1984 Libyan embassy shooting in London, how the entire staff was allowed to leave the country without being questioned over the murder of a police officer, questioning why the British authorities didn't already hand Assange over to the Americans, the request for a guarantee that Assange will not be extradited, the idea of American involvement in the Syrian crisis, how the opposition to Assad could pose a problem for American foreign policy, possible Russian reaction to American intervention. Download It Now! ![]()
- 08 / 28 / 12 - The Republican National Convention in Tampa loses a day due to Hurricane Isaac, the cost of the RNC is around 73 million dollars, how that money could be better spent, one way that the military could save a ton of money, why money for NASA is worth it, Mitt Romney has predictably captured the nomination, censorship in pornography, Emmanuel's problem with censorship on "Breaking Bad," how bugs and graphics are ruining television, how Bryan Cranston's ass became significant, why bad words are sometimes appropriate, how violence doesn't seem to be affected, the annoyance of piracy warnings on legitimately bought DVDs, a "mass shooting" in New York City actually was entirely at the hands of police, the misinformation that was initially spread by the authorities, some other ways this situation could have been handled, a number of shootings in Texas, how all of this proves that arming more people doesn't work, how Tampa police plan to handle demonstrators, strange rules concerning what can be brought into restricted areas, how Norway is handling a mass killer, a piece by Fareed Zakaria concerning gun control. Download It Now! ![]()
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