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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 09 / 04 / 12 - Some extra time, the Democratic National Convention is also shortened by a day, a new family of spiders is found in Oregon, Emmanuel defends the spiders that live in his house, Emmanuel discovers a new variety of ant, some possible examples of ant intelligence, anti-gay groups in Moscow sue Madonna for "moral damage" after a concert, a massacre of striking miners by South African police leads to other miners being charged with the crime, a woman in Iceland mistakenly joins a search for herself, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon dies, some of his history, parallels to North Korea, the Paralympics are virtually ignored in the United States, Mitt Romney is found to have zero percent support in the black community, differing reactions to the recent hurricane in Louisiana by the two candidates, reaction to the Clint Eastwood speech at the convention, why certain problems in the country never seem to get fixed, a misguided remark by Karl Rove, text of convention speeches is released before they're given, the controversy over proposed voter ID laws, a piece on how to write a political poem. Download It Now! ![]()
- 09 / 11 / 12 - The anniversary of 9/11, Kyle describes the curse of the Hope Diamond, difficulty getting coffee, Kyle faces a challenge copying a three dimensional object for an old copier, the ease of working with old technology as opposed to newer, a brief history of the owners of the Hope Diamond, Kyle describes where he was on September 11th, how it changed who he was as a person, Emmanuel's memories of that fateful day, listener memories, Finn's thoughts on this historic date. Download It Now! ![]()
- 09 / 18 / 12 - The theme almost plays all the way through without interruption, there's a tornado watch in the area, wondering what to do, how stupidity rules the world, Emmanuel anticipates an ultimate battle with a red light camera in the area, how these cameras actually create unsafe conditions, Emmanuel takes a driver education course online, examples of stupidity within the course, a secret video of Mitt Romney describing what he really thinks of Obama voters, a recording of his remarks, the U.S. ambassador to Libya is killed, anger over an anti-Muslim film on YouTube, Japan and China grow increasingly hostile over the ownership of uninhabited islands, the neverending cries for war, some strange electrical issues at the station, new restrictions on large soft drinks in New York City, how stupidity is always present as a reaction, the show doesn't get enough emails, why single line emails don't count, a promise to take more phone calls in the future, there is still a tornado watch in the area. Download It Now! ![]()
- 09 / 25 / 12 - Fundraising begins unexpectedly, the premium tonight is especially good, a visit from Terrence who is in from Philadelphia, how Terrence helped to change history starting with events at the Republican Convention in 2000, how his trial back then turned out, what happened to Emmanuel in 2004, the premium that's being offered tonight, the board being used at WUSB is older than Terrence, an excerpt from the William Binney keynote at HOPE Number Nine, a rundown of talks that are included in the DVD package, an excerpt from the Eben Moglen talk at HOPE Number Nine, an excerpt from the "DARPA Funding for Hackers" talk. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
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