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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 11 / 06 / 12 - The recovery from Sandy continues, it's now known as a "super storm," Emmanuel has been without power for nine days, the trains resumed yesterday, ways that the gasoline panic affected things, how this differed from Hurricane Gloria, the temperature is now getting very low indoors where there's no power, examples of how all of this has changed Emmanuel's daily routine, how this proves the uselessness of cell phones, VoIP lines also were mostly unavailable, the majority of landlines seemed to stay up, linemen from Indiana are getting close to Emmanuel's house, dealing with the impatience of people who have been without power for all of this time, the negative seems to be largely overshadowed by the positive, Finn describes how the stress is taking its toll on people, today is Election Day which is totally being overshadowed by the storm aftermath, another storm is coming tomorrow, the large number of homes that were lost, Governor Christie gives praise to President Obama, the lockout of "Off The Hook" from WBAI at a crucial time, local news sites that kept paywalls in place during the blackout, a local taxi company didn't jack up their prices despite the gas shortage, how the university didn't help the community enough during the crisis, why it was wrong for Stony Brook to schedule sports events when there was so much devastation in the surrounding community, how the MTA didn't do enough for people, Kyle describes the propositions that are on the ballot today, some other issues that affect voters in Washington State, how Kyle placed his ballot from a tall bike, Finn describes his voting experience in a nursing home, why the new voting machines are worse than the old ones, Finn has the gas crisis all figured out, how the gun lobby is trying to get people to panic during the crisis, trying to figure out what's actually going on, memories of the Obama victory four years ago. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 13 / 12 - Emmanuel's frustration with being able to talk about things on the air in a timely manner, the election was a week ago, most people in the area have their power back now, the story of how Emmanuel tried to get gas, what it was like to have power restored, how cold it got inside, gas rationing has been instituted, how quickly parts of society can fall apart, LIPA is under fire for their poor response to the outages, how time changes when there's no power, how Emmanuel was able to use his Kindle during the outage, the negative incidents seemed to be in the minority, the importance of checking in with people, hurricanes that have had their names retired, this was a really good election, some of the important referendums that passed around the nation, the possibility that the country is indeed changing, why the marijuana and same sex marriage initiatives were so historic, concerns over how law enforcement will test for marijuana use, Kyle describes the infighting within the legalization movement, wondering what the federal response will be, some of the other positive steps that came out of this election, how Emmanuel heard Obama's acceptance speech this year. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 20 / 12 - Louie from "2600 Waste Management" is on the line, Kyle is inspecting the shop, Emmanuel is following eBay auctions for Twinkies, the "Twinkie panic" is very real, the "vulture capitalists" who took over the Hostess company, a story about Ding Dongs, keeping an eye on various auctions, the fact that Twinkies don't actually last forever, questioning how eBay works, playing with Google predictions, Kyle becomes Google champion, Chris Christie is in trouble with the GOP after praising President Obama, how this shows hypocrisy, two Indian women are arrested for criticizing authorities via Facebook, a British man is prosecuted for posting an image of a burning poppy on a social networking site, updates on the auction, "Off The Hook" is finally scheduled to be back on the air. Download It Now! ![]()
- 11 / 27 / 12 - Missing dogs on campus, Marvin Miller dies, remembering the baseball strike of 1981, the huge amount of money that professional athletes are paid, playing back a piece from the station in 1981 concerning Marvin Miller, explaining the 2600 hertz tone, an update on the Twinkie crisis, a correction concerning Ding Dongs and King Dongs, how Ring Dings played a part, an article on the unprecedented loss of trees in the area due to the storm, the danger that trees pose inside and outside, the number of people killed in the area, high speed rail service is implemented in a 15-mile section of Illinois, new bus service comes to Long Island, how an unfair Long Island Railroad policy was reversed after public outrage, the various dialing methods people can use to reach the station, analyzing the current problems in Egypt, advice on television services, interesting channels that are out there, the disadvantages of digital television, the advantages of a region-free DVD player. [some audio clipping] Download It Now! ![]()
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