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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 10 / 02 / 12 - The whole theme plays, Emmanuel discovers that nickels look different now, Mr. Edison tells why the station is in dire straits, the premiums being offered tonight, Emmanuel tries to explain biennial versus biannual, some of the talks being included in the DVD set, an excerpt from the Steve Rambam talk at HOPE Number Nine, Finn helps to get people to call in, how WUSB was where 2600 got its start, memories of previous Steve Rambam talks at HOPE conferences, Finn thanks tonight's pledgers. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 09 / 12 - Emmanuel tells Finn how to turn the speakers on in another room, Kyle is on the phone from Seattle where a long rain-free period continues, Kyle discusses the ongoing road construction projects in Seattle, Emmanuel remembers a particularly bad traffic jam in New York City, the application form for a concealed carry permit in Washington is frighteningly simple, New York City is ranked ahead of Seattle as a bike-friendly city, why Emmanuel thinks Seattle bicyclists are more intelligent, Kyle explains how to ride safely, examples of bad road planning, why this kind of spontaneous radio is worth supporting, yet another FM sports station is coming to New York, how organized sports mania seems to be taking over, Emmanuel wants the Yankees to stop winning, ideas on how to make things more well-rounded, Emmanuel recalls the Seattle Pilots, trying to remember where the Pilots relocated to, other Seattle teams and trivia, a rundown of the premiums being offered tonight, some of the history of WUSB, the absence of such stations on Long Island, the station's new slogan, the signs that campus buses have in the back, Kyle explains space diving and the postponed dive of Felix Baumgartner, the balloon he was supposed to go up in is 55 stories tall, a new SpaceX vehicle is on its way to the space station, the Mars rover has discovered something bright on the ground, remembering John Lennon. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 16 / 12 - The second presidential debate is happening on Long Island tonight, reasons not to be too negative about the whole thing, Emmanuel's challenge to people who believe there's little difference between the two candidates, how the vice presidential debate went, explaining why Joe Biden won that debate, the strange results of initial polls, Google News wipes out a story Emmanuel was trying to read, Fox News reports that Romney continues to hold a lead over Obama, the fundraiser continues, a gigantic eyeball washes up on shore in Florida, a story about a man stealing a bottle of liquor in September runs in Newsday, trying to figure out how such a story made the paper, Emmanuel apologizes for a misstatement last week, the FBI reports a heist of 100 dollar bills that haven't even been released yet, a tragic story of online bullying and how this reflects on society, why social media shouldn't be used as a primary means of communication, the things that don't change. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 23 / 12 - Emmanuel and Finn work around a failing CD player, Emmanuel discovers the word "belay," how using such a word could get confusing, debating whether it's wrong to read a Facebook page that's left logged in at the station, Emmanuel has been watching old episodes of "Twilight Zone" on DVD, looking up the fate of old actors, questioning how the presidential candidates manage to have spontaneous exchanges with individuals that they later recount, Finn explains why he doesn't want to watch the debates, what Emmanuel finds interesting about organized sports, analyzing last night's debate, Finn confesses to reading the news at work, Emmanuel's issue with the way Starbucks indicates sizes, why Cold Stone Creamery is a cult, how people seem to go along with things too easily, Emmanuel's involvement with Kindle, how it's now impossible to buy an MP3 from a foreign country through Amazon, the fundraiser is continuing, examples of local radio stations that are no longer community stations, how noncommercial radio stations can become less relevant over time, why every pledge counts, a Soyuz rocket launches with aquatic life aboard, Tom Hanks drops the F-bomb on "Good Morning America," the reaction of the Parents Television Council, trying to find out what a baby hippopotamus is called, what Finn has planned for his show tonight, some of the people Finn has interviewed on his show over the years. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! ![]()
- 10 / 30 / 12 - The university is one of the few places in the area that has power, Hurricane Sandy hit yesterday, Finn made it out from Queens, Emmanuel has no connectivity or power, over one hundred homes in Breezy Point were reportedly lost in a fire, Kyle is the link to the outside world, the phone systems have been tied up, what Emmanuel had to go through to make a phone call earlier in the day, cell phones aren't working in most places, noting how certain aspects of technology failed, around 90 percent of the area has no power, where listeners can find places with power, Emmanuel had a real adventure driving the Smart car through detours to get to the 2600 van, Kyle tries to get the station's stream, what Finn's drive out to Long Island was like in the morning, every road in Nassau County was closed overnight, debris is still falling from trees, why being outside was a really bad idea, the damage that a single branch of a tree was able to do to Emmanuel's house, opening up the phone lines, Finn describes what the East River was like in Astoria, Alphabet City was hit hard by flooding, how this is unprecedented in the area, giving authorities the benefit of the doubt when it comes to rerouting traffic, how listeners are faring, how losing old trees really affects people, there has been some progress in restoring power already, drivers have been very courteous without traffic lights, Spiney Norman makes an appearance, Internet connectivity was only recently restored to the campus, why it was a mistake to only allow one company to serve the university, Kyle reports on the reaction to the storm in the rest of the country, this may have been the biggest storm in the nation's history, the station is not streaming, trying to figure out how many people actually don't have power, why this storm was much worse than Hurricane Irene, how people can stay safe in the aftermath, last words of advice, a song about Sandy. Download It Now! ![]()
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