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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 06 / 04 / 13 - Kyle's voice is shot because of "The Daily Show," memories of professional pillow fighting, the rigid restrictions on cell phone use in the television studio, Kyle reveals a lot of information about their setup, comparisons to seeing this program and George Stroumboulopoulos in Toronto, what the effect of his new show on CNN might be, the extreme heat in the studio, the university's complicity in damaging the equipment by continuing to not maintain their facilities, the lasting relevance of radio, the threats facing the station, there are rodents in the studio as well, how it's easier to take an Internet radio station off the air than a traditional one, Kyle and Emmanuel test out Citi Bikes in Manhattan, the unending challenges involved in getting the system to work, the major security hole that was discovered as a result, high marks for the overall experience, the importance of the listeners. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 11 / 13 - Kyle is stuck in the left channel, trying to fix the problem, a tropical storm rolls through, there is chaos going on in Turkey, there has been nonstop coverage today on CNN, how to react to police attacks, Kyle analyzes the Turkish leader's response to the demonstrations in his country, how leaders become isolated from the people, trying to understand why people are upset at the banning of oversized sodas in New York City, when bans go too far, how the 7-11 chain has an unfair advantage over local stores, how 7-11s are pitted against each other, a student is suspended for creating a controversial Twitter hashtag, a listener discusses DNA, more on the proliferation of 7-11s, how Chase banks are also popping up everywhere, trying to figure out why there are two Chase banks next door to each other in East Setauket, another shooting by a toddler, how this demonstrates a general incompatibility with the world of gun advocates, there will be discussion of the PRISM controversy on "Off The Hook" tomorrow. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 18 / 13 - More problems with the left channel, riots are underway in Brazil, paralleling these actions with what goes on in the United States, how freedoms have been lost in the fight against terrorism, how this will hurt in the future, Kyle and Emmanuel attend the Bradley Manning court martial in Fort Meade, what was involved in last year's photo shoot at the NSA, what it was like to get interrogated by the police, describing the scene at the military base in Fort Meade yesterday, the lack of young people at the trial, how easy it is to attend the trial, the support that was voiced by passing motorists, some of the rules for attending, how Manning fits into that environment, how stenography for the trial is working, what the shopping center on the military base was like, information on what the various military exchanges are called, the best way to approach an alien scene like this, Kyle and Emmanuel get CPR certification, what has changed in the CPR world in the past few years, how the basic facts can be brought to a bigger audience, Kyle resuscitates the CD player. Download It Now! ![]()
- 06 / 25 / 13 - The temperature in the studio is way up again, worries about the future of the station, the Edward Snowden affair, Kyle and Emmanuel were at the annual Mermaid Parade in Coney Island, how security wasn't over the top, how Democrats seem more upset than Republicans at Snowden's actions, analyzing what it was he actually did, what could happen if Snowden is apprehended by the United States, how the story is being spun, trying to collect thoughts in the extreme heat, why Snowden wouldn't get a fair trial in the U.S., the stream is down, the story of journalists stranded on a flight to Cuba that Snowden was supposed to be on, a photographer is arrested for taking a picture of a police station in Brooklyn, Kyle is heading back to Seattle, a call for suggestions on where to travel this summer, a tribute to James Gandolfini. Download It Now! ![]()
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