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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 07 / 02 / 13 - Kyle is on the phone from Seattle, Emmanuel gives an update on the Astro Tower in Coney Island, how Emmanuel noticed it was swaying weeks ago and is now being dismantled because somebody reported it today, appeals for asylum from Edward Snowden, Kyle's problem parking his tall bike, the change to the lights of the Empire State Building and how that will be displayed during the upcoming fireworks, the name for a new moon around Pluto brings back memories, the 2600 village at the upcoming OHM camp in The Netherlands, why it's not too late to go, reading from the wiki entry for the 2600 village, how people can get involved, a tribute to Margherita Hack, some words on a new documentary project, what Emmanuel says to people when they sneeze, this year's Pride celebration in New York was especially festive, how the country has changed for the better in the past couple of decades, looking forward to the summer. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 09 / 13 - A lot of disasters this week, what determines the media attention to a plane crash, a train disaster in Quebec raises questions and accusations, the lack of coverage in the United States of this incident, how the bigger picture is consistently missed, Emmanuel's sense of foreboding concerning the George Zimmerman trial, the inconsistencies with which justice is applied, no listeners have responded to the challenge to attend the Bradley Manning trial, news involving the Wikileaks truck on the military base in Ft. Meade, it's Ramadan again and this time it's in the summer, an idea to send a rover to Mars and have it return, theorizing on how to reach distant stars, a place in New Jersey bans baggy pants, questions about the imminent moving of the studio, a listener describes her experience at the Bradley Manning trial, thoughts on what's happening in Egypt, the reaction of the Obama administration, trying to figure out how Edward Snowden could travel safely to South America. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 16 / 13 - Emmanuel isn't disturbed by the ongoing heat wave, it's still not too late to be part of the upcoming OHM conference in The Netherlands, what will be airing over the summer, a reminder to participate in the WUSB survey, reactions to the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, how Trayvon Martin was actually the one on trial in many ways, the reaction of the prosecution, the makeup of the jury, how the defense was cracking jokes after the verdict, how the law failed, the insanity of the "Stand Your Ground" mentality, gun proponents don't seem to be suggesting that Trayvon Martin could have defended himself with a gun, how the case would have turned out in different scenarios, why this proves that injecting guns into conflicts often makes them turn out worse, trying to find a common ground, some of the disturbing reactions, how the African American community is a model to the world on restraint in the face of injustice, the racism that abounds in Italy, how a black minister was compared to an orangutan by a senator who then refused to resign, a black Florida woman is imprisoned for 20 years for firing warning shots, the gun lobby is once again silent in this case, the Jordan Davis case, wondering why this case has received so little attention, Stevie Wonder announces that he'll be boycotting Florida and all other Stand Your Ground states, some of the demonstrations that have been going on, a cop's opinion on the verdict. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 23 / 13 - OHM is now sold out, Kyle is back from Seattle, this is the last live show in a while, what will be airing in the weeks ahead, the last chance to take phone calls for the next month, the Royal Baby is born, another scandal involving Anthony Weiner, suggestions on names for the future king, discussing how he might be raised and the restrictions he'll face, Kyle and Emmanuel's plans for the summer and how they're still developing, playing with delay, thoughts on disgraced politicians, how alternative voices turn mainstream, how Edward Snowden is being treated compared to the way Daniel Ellsberg was, how alternative voices are hidden by those in control, the School of Journalism, how to pronounce "Oregon," what a maker space is, keeping the word "hacker" positive, encouraging people to write letters, more thoughts on the Royal Baby. Download It Now! ![]()
- 07 / 30 / 13 - A special program recorded last December on a train journey to Seattle, Emmanuel is in his car preparing to drive to the first leg of the trip, this is the first time Emmanuel has traveled in this fashion across the country westbound, Emmanuel is on one of the few double-decker commuter trains allowed in Penn Station, what Emmanuel's plans are in the immediate future, arriving in Smithtown, Emmanuel is standing in an abandoned payphone kiosk in Penn Station with Voltaire, the soldiers who patrol Penn Station and what purpose they serve, moving to the outside entrance where morning newspapers are competing with each other for readers, standing across from the Hotel Pennsylvania, Emmanuel has been up all night, Emmanuel is on the Capitol Limited from Washington DC to Chicago, a tour of his room, why it's good to sometimes be cut off, why ripped DVDs are a good thing, thoughts on trains in general, trying to figure out where the train is arriving now, stuck for a couple of hours somewhere in Minnesota because of a broken freight train ahead, rumors of a landslide in Washington, what passing through Minot in North Dakota was like, a wine tasting in the dining car, how high speed rail would improve things, the sun is going down over Montana, it's December 6th which is when both pot and gay marriage become legal in Washington State, visiting Kyle in Seattle, questioning the legality of Emmanuel smoking while he's there, "we should name this joint." Download It Now! ![]()
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