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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 02 / 04 / 14 - Mother Nature continues to deliver an incredible winter nationwide, southern states are crippled by a couple of inches of snow, the differences in the winter storms that have hit the area so far, addressing people who like to pretend the Super Bowl doesn't exist, crowd control issues during the big game in the New York area on Sunday, when security is overkill, the fun in watching Super Bowl commercials, Emmanuel's attempt to get wings on Sunday, trying to define a redneck bar, the strange opening to Sunday's game, the impression Emmanuel left in a bar, how a Coke ad has generated controversy among conservatives, how diversity is being seen as a bad thing, Glenn Beck's warped perspective, how immigration works, depressing comments from the Internet, anti-immigration sentiment isn't limited to the United States, what the left doesn't seem to understand, how mass media can reflect and influence culture, Bill de Blasio won't be marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade because of their refusal to allow gay participation, why it's important to pay attention to things we don't want to pay attention to, the tendency of people to form cliques, memories of grade school, how Facebook will make it easier to exact revenge, Facebook is ten years old today, the people who reject various social media outlets, the risk of storing your private material on someone else's site, examples of how digital material can be lost, the story of a massive federal deer hunt that was planned for Long Island, how to live with deer and nature. Download It Now! February 4 ![]()
- 02 / 11 / 14 - An unusual edition of the show as the station is almost completely off the air, an appeal for people who can hear the station over the air to call in, a report from some listeners, Emmanuel demonstrates what is not being received in Stony Brook now, why there may be slight distortion, the university calls Emmanuel in the middle of the show to ask for money, how ice played a part in the outage, the lack of support from the university that makes this sort of thing inevitable, how this reflects a trend of not appreciating radio, the equipment being used currently is from the 1970s, being put in a position that's destined to fail, there is still no word on where the station will be moving to when the current building closes, how the university was able to recently shell out nearly a million dollars to make a problem go away, why we have to do better, how a 45 watt station from another state is interfering with WUSB's 3600 watts locally, a missed opportunity by Stony Brook in not acquiring another radio station when the Southampton campus was taken over, the need to bring new people into the radio station, what makes local radio interesting, the WUSB website doesn't mention that the station is off the air, a call from a Radio Statler organizer, seeing if the signal is back yet, the signal should be back by next week, the death of Shirley Temple. Download It Now! February 11 ![]()
- 02 / 18 / 14 - The station still doesn't have its signal back, listening to how the signal sounds in Stony Brook, the financial challenges facing the station, analyzing the spending of money in various places, an example of a foul-up involving local highway maintenance, the magic of radio, Emmanuel's experiments with a navigation app called Waze, how this Google company wants to make driving into a social network, a live report on traffic conditions, the many dangers of this system, how this is an accident waiting to happen, the potential for stalking, Emmanuel's views on the Olympics, how NBC is insanely pro-American, how the medal count is manipulated by American media, how Canadian coverage is different, the difficulty of judging athletic events, theorizing on the real reason why there were no terrorist attacks in Sochi, members of Pussy Riot are arrested near the Olympics, controversial comments from Ted Nugent in the Texas gubernatorial race, how coded language is used to manipulate people, a verdict in another controversial Florida shooting, how guns make such situations worse, the prospect of snow melting in the next week. Download It Now! February 18 ![]()
- 02 / 25 / 14 - The station regains its signal, controversy over a proposed law in Arizona that would essentially legalize discrimination against gay people, Emmanuel's headphones are extremely distracting, why it's important to discuss this bill even if it gets vetoed, how Arizona always seems to be the place where this sort of thing happens, the message this sends to kids, the situation in Ukraine has now changed with the former president on the run, wondering why the eastern part of the country would want to remain in Ukraine, parallels to what happened in Georgia, Yulia Tymoshenko is finally freed, memories of when Kyle and Emmanuel were in Kiev, trying to reach Kyle through a walkie-talkie app that was used by Ukrainians during the uprising, the university calls to ask for money again, some of the features of this app, the constant pressure to import contacts into apps, how Google often won't let you say no, thoughts on the situation in Ukraine, what it was like to witness some of the demonstrations in Kiev, the fate of Kyle's water bottle in Minsk, some memories of Belarus, parallels to occupations of parks in the United States, Kyle describes how an 80-year-old homeless neighbor had his makeshift shack destroyed earlier in the day. Download It Now! February 25 ![]()
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