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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 03 / 04 / 14 - Reports that the signal has actually improved, why there may be less interference, a man in Georgia isn't charged with shooting an Alzheimer's patient who rang his doorbell, Emmanuel remembers when a senile person walked into his house, how guns can make such situations far worse, another tragic gun story involving children, a letter from a professor reacting to the prospect of students carrying guns in Idaho, a disturbing case in Pakistan where militants attack a polio vaccination team, Emmanuel's views on the Ukraine crisis, why this isn't an actual invasion, a brief history of Crimea within Ukraine, a parallel to Cuba, John McCain's involvement in the Ukrainian uprising, why it's perfectly understandable for Russia to want to hold onto Crimea, the transfer of Crimea within the Soviet Union, the unprecedented coverage of the two sides arguing, why this kind of thing doesn't happen in the United States, why a split Ukraine might not be such a bad thing, a parallel to the two republics in Georgia under Russian occupation, a look at the various ethnicities of the region, Kyle bursts in on the walkie-talkie app, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, the need for other perspectives on the crisis, a recording of the Hymn of Crimea. Download It Now! March 4 ![]()
- 03 / 11 / 14 - Thoughts on the missing Malaysian airliner, new revelations, wondering how it's possible not to be constantly tracked in this day and age, an unprecedented mystery, Emmanuel's theory, why Vladimir Putin has some explaining to do, the Crimea connection, the possibility of the plane actually landing somewhere, the Crimea referendum is set for this coming Sunday, a visit from Frank, some history involving Vermont and New York, the idea of Vermont becoming independent, wondering why Ukraine wants to hang onto Crimea, urging Frank not to unplug anything, some of the history of Crimea, why it shouldn't be surprising that Russia is trying to influence the region, how one of the first acts of the new Ukrainian government was to restrict the Russian language, why it's a good thing that Ukraine is no match for Russia militarily, the prospect of Belgium splitting apart, reports of phones of missing passengers ringing, there are a bunch of Dutch shows recorded last year coming up. Download It Now! March 11 ![]()
- 03 / 18 / 14 - An abbreviated show tonight due to a basketball game, Oklahoma is in need of drugs for an execution on Thursday, trying to understand why this an issue, the usual controversy involving the St. Patrick's Day parade and gay participation, why it's unacceptable to tell people not to be who they are in such an event, how it works in Dublin, wondering why different groups can't run the parades, trying to analyze the stock market, Putin's significant statement today that few have noticed, analyzing the significance of Sunday's referendum, why boycotting the vote is self-defeating, a hypocritical stance by the west, more from Putin's speech, why it's important to not blindly follow one side in this conflict, the idiocy of Peter King and John McCain, updates on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight, analyzing the media coverage, all kinds of conflicting information, Emmanuel's theory on what actually happened, scrambling for the outro. Download It Now! March 18 ![]()
- 03 / 25 / 14 - Winter is still in the air, the last show in March, the obsession with the missing airliner, how CNN spends so much time saying nothing new, there are other important things going on in the world, a landslide in Seattle might have claimed more than 200 lives, analyzing the stories on the CNN website, misuse of the word "live" on CNN, some major problems with the technology used in airline accident investigations, a look at some other Flight 370s flying today, a look at the Malaysian Airlines website, the final victims of World War One, the Ukraine conflict continues, wondering what it would take to satisfy the West, how Obama is being blamed for the whole thing, what other leaders might have done, an unusual name for a NATO commander, facts about a separatist movement in Moldova, news stories from the region that aren't being reported here, instances of hypocrisy in U.S. policy, the return of "Cosmos" on Fox, instances of trespassing at the new World Trade Center. Download It Now! March 25 ![]()
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